How countries are using innovative technology to preserve ocean life
I may have got a little caught up during Shark Week!
Although I'm afraid of the water now, if I knew back in the day when figuring out a...
I may have got a little caught up during Shark Week!
Although I'm afraid of the water now, if I knew back in the day when figuring out a...
If you're not a fan of 7-11, today may help change your mind. Unfortunately, the 7-11 in my town closed but I'm willing to drive to...
I'm not sure, at that age, if I would have been that strong and optimistic. Mind over matter is definitely on his side.
"It was a hard time. But what I thought was either you can be hum glum sad and be like 'Oh my gosh, this is never going to end', or you...…
Technology software saving money and jobs at the same time. As a parent, I would be skeptical at first due to safety concerns.
Way back when, we only “dressed up” during Spirit Week. Hope this catches on in other locations.
"I don't need to look like them any more," Ramage said. "I can be who I want to be."
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