Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better

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Charlotte Leleu, Marketing Manager, Intertek

Charlotte Leleu

Marketing Manager at Intertek

Rouen, France

About Me

Travaillant comme responsable marketing auprès d'un prestataire de service apportant des solutions d'assurance qualité avec plus de 18 ans d'expérience, je suis également engagée dans diverses associations en soutien à ma communauté, que ce soit pour soutenir le développement d'une agriculture paysanne ou encourager la pratique sportive. J'aime échanger et réfléchir à des solutions pour contribuer à ma manière à s'adapter aux enjeux du monde actuel et futur.

Working as marketing manager for a quality assurance solutions service provider with over 18 years of experience, I am also involved in various associations in support of my community, whether it is to support the development of a peasant agriculture or to encourage the practice of sports. I like to exchange and think about solutions to contribute in my own way to adapt to the challenges of the current and future world.

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The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.

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