Why we’re optimistic we can save our oceans
The world’s oceans, more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, are rife with problems: Overfishing, warming and acidifying waters,...
The world’s oceans, more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, are rife with problems: Overfishing, warming and acidifying waters,...
Intertek Bulgaria is taking part in the Caps for Future initiative
Starting in 2017, “Caps for the future” is one of Bulgaria’s most loved...
In 2010, the main character in history - a hawk eagle (along with another bird of the same species) was captured at the Vidin-Ferry...
The finalists for the NATURA 2000 awards of the EC were announced. Among them are three Bulgarian projects!This year the European...
Събитието бе посетено от десетки деца, техните родители и студенти по ветеринарна медицина от Тракийския университет, които се включиха...
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The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.
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