The answer is YES and for so many reasons!

Since moving to London we decided to not purchase a car right away (it's safer for everyone as we need to learn to drive on the opposite side of the road). Well in the 7 months of not being behind the wheel, we have put some serious miles on our shoes and with that my husband, son, and myself  have all shed a few extra pounds but even more so we talk a lot more and not just about what bills needs to be paid or "don't forget to do this or that". We REALLY talk... like deep thought provoking conversations about things we see along our walks, history, the future, our opinions about various topics, anything and everything! 

Aside from crossing the street and still having to look in every direction because traffic comes from ways we are not used to in the US, we can be completely present with each other. It's refreshing and you feel a bit lighter when you get home both figuratively and literally. 

On the flip side, there is nothing like being alone with your thoughts while going for a stroll in nature. We recently moved closer to Richmond Park in Surrey, right outside of London. This place is crawling with wildlife. Red stags, fallow deer, fox, birds, etc. I instantly hear Sir David Attenborough narrating what I am seeing in my head as I make my way through the magical twists and turns of nature while also seeing the London skyline from afar. No matter what is going on at that present moment good or bad, I can breathe and I am recharged. It doesn't have to be a 6 hour hike, it can be 20 minutes in between calls. It gives you that boost. 

I'm telling you, try it! 

If you are interested in seeing Richmond Park and hearing the soothing voice of Sir David Attenborough check out this video...