Finland wants to transform how we make clothes
Petri Alava used to wear pressed suits and leather shoes to work, managing large corporations selling everything from magazines to...…
Petri Alava used to wear pressed suits and leather shoes to work, managing large corporations selling everything from magazines to...…
Bon à connaître, à l'heure de la lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire, (en France, c'est plus de 10 millions de tonnes qui sont jetées...
La tecnologia brevettata è un sistema di dissalazione dell'acqua, che sia di mare o di falda, a osmosi inversa completamente...
Je suis fière de ma ville qui interdit depuis hier l'utilisation des sacs de plastique à usage unique. Il était temps! Ce n'est vraiment...
El programa Artemis Moon de la NASA está sirviendo como trampolín para una eventual misión tripulada a Marte. Una lista revisada de...
The Why Web Accessibility Compliance Is A Game-Changer ( article draw many parallels between accessibility in the physical and...
Aquí es donde entra en juego el “Proyecto Rewild Zambezi”, una iniciativa masiva para trasladar animales a un área en el valle del río...…
It's as simple as supply-and-demand. There's more energy being produced during the day (thank you, sunshine) and therefore we should use...
Durante siglos, las pirámides de Guiza han desconcertado a los investigadores, no solo por sus misteriosos vacíos y cámaras ocultas, sino...…
There are two things to learn and remember from this article.
1. You can learn a lot about a company's strategy based on their job...
As we are waiting for our first hurricane as residents of Florida to hit, I can tell you we did not take this as seriously as we should...
El Gobierno ha abierto un nuevo frente de batalla en la lucha contra el cambio climático. El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y...
La agricultura ha sido una actividad esencial desde que hace milenios las sociedades humanas abandonaron el nomadismo y comenzaron a...…
La activista ugandesa por el clima Vanessa Nakate (Kampala, Uganda, 1997) no es ajena a las reuniones de alto nivel en la sede de...
UAE businesses could soon have some ESG (Environmental Social Governance) benchmarks to comply with.
Rather than leave it to businesses to...
The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing (MOMRA) has signed on Saturday an agreement worth more than SR40 billion to...
I recently read an article about "sustainable sourcing" and how it adds risk and complexity to a company's procurement processes. It...
For any regular readers, you will know that I am passionate about disability inclusion and the positive impact it has on all. This...
Jclimaane Goodall, la primatóloga, antropóloga y activista, charla con desde su casa en el sur de Inglaterra junto a dos...
Un nuevo estudio liderado por el Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) de Barcelona ha revelado que la degradación del plástico...
Saviez-vous qu'il existait un baromètre du SAV des marques les plus durables. Meilleure réparabilité des produits, rallongement de la...
I'm sure we all notice more and more electric vehicles (EVs) on the road with the ever rising concern for more ecofriendly options for...
En general, los seres vivos se mueven en entornos cuyas variables ambientales, como la temperatura, el pH o la salinidad, se mantienen...…
English Version:
On the third Saturday of September, International Coastal Cleanup Day is celebrated throughout the world, in order to...
Un equipo de investigación del Instituto de la Grasa (CSIC) ha aplicado bacterias que consumen residuos de fresa para obtener biogás....…
Parce que toutes les actions pour aider se doivent d'être soulignées, 500 journalistes viennent de signer une charte pour renforcer la...
The UK government has announced that the sale of gardening products containing peat will stop in 2024. Peat has long been removed from...
Consumer behavior is more and more influence by concerns about climate change, toxicity and waste. Companies that take the turn of...
The inventive, waste-free, single-serve coffee system means that portioned coffee no longer needs to be surrounded by an aluminum or...…
Demand for low-cost goods has pushed manufacturing into the farthest regions of the world — many of which are increasingly vulnerable to...…
Investigadores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y la Universidad de Exeter han utilizado las imágenes obtenidas con cámaras...…
The Swiss sports brand has created a supply chain coalition with LanzaTech, Borealis and Technip Energies to transform captured carbon...…
Suena recurrente y aunque ya lo analizamos hace algunos días, el camino que han de recorrer los coches eléctricos es aún amplio. Así lo...…
Between new approaches to labeling, innovative coatings, redistribution and data-driven solutions, retailers across the Western world...…
Without established goals, ongoing monitoring and disclosure for accountability, progress will never be made. Organizations can instill...…
Hace 470 millones de años, en el Ordovícico, ocurrió un proceso que cambiaría para siempre la vida de nuestro planeta: las plantas...…
Saudi Arabia intends to implement three steel production projects worth $9.32 billion. The country’s government is negotiating with local...
Dans la même veine que Patagonia hier, voici l'annonce de Lululemon, une entreprise canadienne dont nous pouvons être fiers...
I often post about how the power of technology and data helps us drive the changes and solutions that the world needs - especially with...
Une initiative vraiment inspirante de la part de cette école à Aulnay-sous-Bois. Destiné aux élèves de primaire et imaginé par...
What drives so many governments to favour adopting open-source software within their administrations? After taking a closer look at this...
La empresa se ha convertido este miércoles en noticia mundial después de que su fundador, Yvon Chouinard, un escalador en roca convertido...…
There is a lot happening in the world of reporting and disclosure requirements for businesses. We are witnessing a big shift in...
This confirms why I have purchased Patagonia for my outdoor apparel for many years. Classy move from a "woke" billionaire.
"Earth is now our only shareholder."
Je tiens à souligner cette initiative des Pays-Bas qui va dans le bon sens. La transition est inéluctablement en marche, comme ce type...
eBay explains Reskinned takes back worn items from shoppers and reconditions them for resale, repurpose or recycling in a bid to keep...
"La Terre est maintenant notre seul actionnaire"
, voici ce qu'a écrit le fondateur de Patagonia dans une lettre postée sur le site...
Following the launch of Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in 2016, the Kingdom is on its way to becoming the world’s biggest construction site...
De las 1.000 plantas que el ser humano utiliza para fines terapéuticos, 723 están en peligro de extinción por el cambio climático y la...
Northern Lincolnshire nurses are piloting innovative new smart glasses for patient home visits this summer, enabling them to spend more...
I decided to go vegan about 5-6 years ago for my health but more so for the animals. I was fascinated and quite honestly concerned about...
Her Majesty's passing comes with great sadness, but what I was not expecting was for my four year old to pick up on what he was hearing...
La economía circular genera negocio, y eso es bueno. El modelo productivo basado en mantener el valor de los recursos el mayor tiempo...
Faced with the most severe supply chain crisis in decades, compounding factors such as inflation and the energy crisis are putting...
La crisis climática está llevando al planeta al borde de múltiples puntos de inflexión o de no retorno climáticos que están resultando...
The Milky Way es una marca de ropa ética para adultos y niños, que se caracteriza por sus diseños alegres, el rechazo a los...
J'ai souvent cette discussion avec mon père lorsqu'il compare le comportement des enfants d'aujourd'hui avec comment il agissait lui-même...
In a paper published earlier this month in the journal Matter, one group of engineers at the University of Maryland did just that,...…
Assistive Technology helps many disabled people overcome varriers in society daily. These new smart glasses listen to the conversation...
Gender should not play a role in the workforce. I do not want to be given a position to simply check a box required by a Board to have X...
We will never forget.
Americans are remembering 9/11 with moments of silence, readings of victims' names, volunteer work and other tributes 21 years after the...…
Personal cars sit parked about 95% of the time, according to a study by the RAC Foundation. And they take up valuable real estate in...…
Manuka honey is long known to have wide-ranging medicinal properties, but more recently has been identified for its broad spectrum...…
It is the ending of an era with the passing of Her Majesty. She was remarkable in life and will be deeply missed in death.
During World War II, young Princess Elizabeth briefly became known as No. 230873, Second Subaltern Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor of...…
C'est la première fois que j'entend parler de l’effacement du réseau électrique. Cet article de l'ADEME explique ce que c'est à savoir la...
Bees are such an important part in our eco system and the German BfR plant labyrinth conveys interesting facts about bees from 25 August...
Sometimes you have to "forget everything you know" about something in order to really create something unique. Credit to Nike for taking...
Yes you heard me - 'Social Washing'.
Social washing, like the better-known greenwashing, occurs when there is a disconnect between...
For sustainability to work, we all need to be part of the solution and not the problem. Well, "we" for me, refers to Asia—the continent...…
With the kids back in school, the weekends seem to also be stacked with endless football games, practices, and obligations that require...
Heavy stats were shared such as 40% of the global electricity is used by electric motors, air conditioners, refrigeration and lighting,...…
The UK government has announced the establishment of a new regulatory framework aimed at boosting industrial emissions standards and...
Although the article refers to US consumers, I like to think consumer will return similar response.
Give more than you take is the message...
One of NASA's hallmarks of the Artemis program has been the agency's goal of landing the first woman on the moon, as well as the first...…
In the UK, 19% of the working age population are disabled, with about half of them unemployed.
The employment rate for disabled people is...
Today they are attempting again to launch Artemis I and they are now predicting up to 400K people to come and witness this monumental...
Capturing, transferring, and storing CO2 emissions is critical to slowing climage change
The joint venture founded by oil firms Equinor
Having just moved back to the USA from London, I had not driven a car in nearly 18 months. I was surprised how nervous I was getting...
J'ai moi-même parfois une montée d'angoisse face à l'enjeu climatique et pour y faire face, rien de mieux que d'agir. Même si on se sent...
Intertek Minerals Townsville team recently participated in the Townsville Festival, which has grown far beyond the humble beginnings of...
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