Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better



Learn Disability Etiquette

It's approaching the end of Disability Pride Month, and as a disabled person I often witness the awkwardness of someone you don't know...

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"Arraiá" Intertek Brazil

This month, Intertek Brazil held the Festa Julina. The Festa Junina or Julina is the second largest celebration held by Brazilians, the...
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One Dress, Many Bodies

Making someone else's dream come true is perhaps the greatest gift you can give. This is a story about a gift that hopefully will keep on...

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Speaking up when it matters...

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, how many times are you left a meeting or conversation and thought, I should have said.... On some...

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NFTs and why you should care

NFTs, or "non-fungible tokens", are in the news a lot these days. They either pumped up as the next big thing or being dragged down as a...

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How to become an Inclusive Leader

We have all come across terrible leaders in our careers, and hopefully you have had the pleasure of working for some amazing leaders too....

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"Steps" to a greener future

I'm always amazed by innovation. In particular those that take byproducts of daily life and turn it into something useful. This concept...

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A Manager's Secret to Success

What should you do if your team members quit, fail to perform, or seem disengaged? Instead of sitting them down, reviewing their goal...

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Patchworks of multi-coloured crops a natural alternative to pesticides?

Scientists hope to find out which colours deter aphids from landing on sugar beet and, if they do, which colours prove most effective

We're always looking for new ways to control the problems we've got, if it's without pesticide then that can be beneficial

Sand battery could solve green energy's big problem

In a corner of small power plant in western Finland stands a new piece of technology that has massive potential...

"It's a bit crazy but I think it's going to be a success."

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Creating, sharing and inspiring change. For good.

The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.

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