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Inspiring the world to build back ever better



La FAO y España se comprometen a seguir colaborando estrechamente en materia de seguridad alimentaria y nutrición a nivel mundial

En el primer informe elaborado en el marco de la asociación se ponen de manifiesto los esfuerzos y logros conjuntos de los últimos 10 años.

Durante muchos años, España ha sido un asociado importante y ha colaborado estrechamente con la FAO, centrándose principalmente en el...…

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Reuse of EV batteries

Sales of electric cars and plug-in hybrids have grown rapidly over the past two years. Several manufacturers, including Audi and Porsche,...

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FabBRICK, la start-up qui transforme les déchets textiles en briques

Une très bonne invention d'une architecte française pour lutter contre le gaspillage et  développer l’économie circulaire! 

Recycler les chutes de tissu pour en faire un matériel de construction. C’est dans l’esprit de l’architecte Clarisse Merlet, alors encore...…

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Día Mundial del Árbol 2021

Los árboles proporcionan madera, pero, además, muchas de sus hojas, frutos y savia son comestibles y/o se emplean en medicina o en la...

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Deafblind Awareness Week

Thanks to Molly Watt's advocacy, I have found out much more about Usher Syndrome (DeafBlind).

This week is DeafBlind Awareness Week and I...

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Against All Odds

Shared from LinkedIn :

This is Nadia Nadim. She was born in Afghanistan. Her father was murdered by the Taliban when she was 11 years old...

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Ghana Green Day

On June 11th, Ghana celebrated  its first Green Ghana Day by planting somewhere near five million trees in country. Intertek Ghana...

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Pequeñas acciones cotidianas

Rocio compartió una publicación en Facebook que me llamó la atención así que seguí el vínculo mismo que incluyo en esta publicación...

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« The Future of Pink is Green »

Une manière de sensibiliser les jeunes générations aux enjeux environnementaux tout en s'amusant!

Mattel a lancé sa première collection de poupées fabriquées à partir de 90 % de matières plastique recyclées menaçant les océans,...…

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Mariposa monarca

Las mariposas siempre me han fascinado y desde muy pequeña me percaté de su fragilidad ...iba de vacaciones a Lagunilla, Hidalgo por...

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Tequila ... México...Agua

Me encontré una publicación de lo que entiendo es una organización para cuidar el agua "Charco Bendito" y busqué su página web y me...

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Love it! #living wage

Love it! As a consumer would certainly associate and shop at Aldi. Shopper needs to visually see these simple visuals and other great...

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ripuliAMOci challenge

Prepara borsa guanti e, se le hai, le pinze raccoglirifiuti

 Esci di casa


 Individua il nemico


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European Air Quality Index

Air pollution is a serious problem in many European cities, posing a real risk to health. Today, the European Environment Agency (EEA)...

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Happy World Refill Day

As a parent, 'being green' can feel like adding one more thing to the never-ending to-do list that can bring all your spinning plates...

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The Human Library

The Human Library®’s mission is to provide support for Human Library® programs and book depot services around the world, to raise funds...

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Bangladesh RMG sector to get new innovation centre

Another great initiative to build the capacity of the mid-level management as well as workforce of the factories in the relevant field.

The Centre for Innovation, Efficiency and OSH will work to enhance the knowledge of future production leaders of the country. It also...…

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