There’s a Recycled Barbie Now, But Are Plastic Toys Really Going Green?
“Ninety percent of toys are made of plastic and most of the packaging is single-use and non-recyclable plastic,” says Dune Ives, CEO of...
“Ninety percent of toys are made of plastic and most of the packaging is single-use and non-recyclable plastic,” says Dune Ives, CEO of...
Este es el objetivo de un proyecto innovador (SinProPack), cuya misión es desarrollar una alternativa sostenible a los plásticos...
La crisis global consecuencia de la pandemia de la COVID19 refuerza la Agenda 2030 como hoja de ruta de consenso internacional para una...
Enactus è una rete internazionale senza scopo di lucro impegnata a sviluppare negli studenti capacità imprenditoriali coniugate a...
La magia del cinema può esorcizzare le paure e l’ansia nei bambini, permettendo loro di tuffarsi in un immaginario fantastico. È ancora...
En el primer informe elaborado en el marco de la asociación se ponen de manifiesto los esfuerzos y logros conjuntos de los últimos 10 años.
Durante muchos años, España ha sido un asociado importante y ha colaborado estrechamente con la FAO, centrándose principalmente en el...…
Las ciudades de Países Bajos están atestadas de unas características bicicletas sin marchas ideales para recorrer este tipo de urbes...…
Marks & Spencer and Nestle are among the food businesses backing a new on-pack 'eco-labelling' scheme for groceries, set to be...
In its annual general meeting earlier this year, Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted told shareholders based on a recent company survey, “70% of...
Le aziende della moda stanno presentando in questi giorni le nuove collezioni, da Milano a Parigi con ritorno a Firenze. Qui Pitti Uomo...
Sales of electric cars and plug-in hybrids have grown rapidly over the past two years. Several manufacturers, including Audi and Porsche,...
The South Korean government has warned organic food firms and sellers to ensure the authenticity of product claims made online as a new...
Fareshare provided community organisations in Lanarkshire with enough food to dish up more than 730,000 meals during the last financial...
This is the ultimate definition of sustainability. This Peruvian bridge has been used for over 500 years and connects communities divided...
A SCOTTISH group is to feature in a brand new series of documentaries by Facebook that celebrates some of Europe’s most sustainable...
Une forêt à perte de vue, de part et d’autre d’une allée jonchée de cagettes empilées. En entrant dans les serres de la Grande ferme,...
Une très bonne invention d'une architecte française pour lutter contre le gaspillage et développer l’économie circulaire!
Recycler les chutes de tissu pour en faire un matériel de construction. C’est dans l’esprit de l’architecte Clarisse Merlet, alors encore...…
El desperdicio de alimentos ha venido ganando terreno en la generación de estas emisiones. Se trata de una problemática altamente...
SoulRiders, which claims to be Scotland’s first integrated e-cargo bike delivery and food waste service, has revealed it has saved nearly...
Waitrose is urging publishers to replace "pointless plastic" with sustainable alternatives.
It said the move was inspired by Skye, a...
Honda, the automotive company have announced that they will be releasing a device to help Blind people navigate using vibrations through...
El planeta sigue perdiendo bosques tropicales a un ritmo acelerado. De acuerdo con datos publicados por Global Forest Watch, en el 2020...
The young are the generation that will be most affected by climate change. This has bestowed on Chinese youth a greater sense of...
Según una investigación publicada el pasado mes en la revista de la Unión Geofísica Estadounidense (AGU, por sus siglas en inglés) el...
An 11-acre solar farm is to be constructed on Edinburgh Airport’s (EDI) airfield as the airport publishes its new sustainability...
Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world with 19.5 million children, young people and educators engaged...
Within the next five years, the second-hand apparel market is expected to reach 77 billion dollars, according to a new research by...
Le Conseil d'État a annulé les arrêtés ministériels sur la chasse à la glu, interdisant de fait cette pratique traditionnelle du sud-est...
Evitar gran parte de este desperdicio está en nuestra mano y es tan sencillo como aprender a leer el etiquetado de los productos que...
En el Día Internacional de las Montañas se hace más importante que nunca recordar la importancia que tiene proteger y cuidar los entornos...
Looking at refurnishing your new "work from home" office? When searching for furniture, have a look for products with the FSC label....
Solar glass could change the way we create homes and commercial buildings. Researchers at the University of Michigan are developing solar...
Durante miles de años, la naturaleza ha compensado el exceso de gases de efecto invernadero por su autorregulación. Pero la frenética...
Cada año se fabrican alrededor de ochenta mil millones de prendas en todo el mundo, pero no todas de manera sostenible. Por suerte, la...…
You'd struggle to meet a Londoner who hasn't picked up a new hobby in the last 12 months.
From fitness to baking, residents have been...
Entre los efectos del cambio climático encontramos sequías, huracanes, hambre y pobreza. Las temperaturas aumentan y, con ello, se...
The European innovation scoreboard provides a comparative analysis of innovation performance in EU countries, other European countries,...
Encore une belle initiative d'une association qui fait se rencontrer des compétences entrepreneuriales avec des porteurs de projets à...
L’eau usée se boit !
Dans le monde, 80% des eaux salies par nos activités – issue de nos salles de bains, cuisines, toilettes ou de...
La FAO publica un estudio sobre los sistemas alimentarios atesorados por las comunidades originarias desde la Amazonía hasta el Ártico,...
ll Regional Innovation Scoreboard della Commissione Europea mette a confronto la performance innovativa di 240 regioni europee. Un...
American fashion company Ralph Lauren has set a new goal to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040. The announcement is part of...
As part of the close cooperation between Intertek KJ Tech and Hyundai Motors over several years Gerald Sobota, Head of Operations,...
A new calculation of Scotland's impact on resources, from metals to plastics and energy, has found the nation weighs in at more than...
The United Nations climate summit, electric police cars and eco-friendly buses are all set to benefit from £13 million of green energy...
Beko unveiled seven sustainable products including a washing machine/washer dryer, oven, tumble dryer, refrigerator, espresso coffee...
sraeli food tech Future Meat Technologies has opened its first industrial cultured meat facility. They claim that it’s the world’s first....
A new traffic light system on food and drinks packaging is being launched to allow consumers to make more environmentally friendly choices.
In the 21st Century we have still a pristine stock of fish which happens to be 95 per cent of all the fish in oceans. And that also...…
La respuesta breve es SÍ, podemos evitar un cambio climático desastroso.
Esto puede parecer increíble. La ciencia ha diagnosticado a la humanidad una enfermedad mortal (el cambio climático), pero seguimos...…
Se añade a los concursos para otorgar el acceso a la red la posibilidad de incorporar criterios que fomenten la generación de empleo, la...
El Ministerio de Sanidad abre a consulta pública el “Plan Estratégico de Salud y Medioambiente”, que busca promover entornos saludables...…
Los árboles proporcionan madera, pero, además, muchas de sus hojas, frutos y savia son comestibles y/o se emplean en medicina o en la...
Un progetto importante per far capire che l’ostilità in Rete ha conseguenze concrete, gravi e permanenti nella vita delle persone. Per
Over 90 percent of the palm oil imported by India comes from Malaysia and Indonesia where environmental concerns associated with the...
Luxury parka maker Canada Goose said on Thursday it would stop making its products with fur by the end of 2022. The move comes after...
A scheme which will offer shops up to €20,000 to make the transition to plastic-free and reusable packaging alternatives was launched on...…
AirCarbon was developed by Newlight Technologies and has already won many awards for its innovative sustainability. It's made from carbon...
A small child, ravaged by cancer, needs specialized lifesaving treatment at a hospital 300 miles away. A father, separated from his...
Researchers have known for at least a decade that the single largest portion of the carbon footprint of a bottle of wine comes from the...
Beber café con cafeína (molido o instantáneo) o descafeinado se asocia con un menor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades hepáticas crónicas...
As part of Intertek’s Global Wellbeing Program, Kindness, Intertek Philippines recently launched its 'Wellness Olympics’. Under the core...
AirCarbon was developed by Newlight Technologies and has already won many awards for its innovative sustainability. It's made from carbon...
New report by Ceres highlights the opportunities for US Oil & Gas companies to step up their climate commitments in line with the...
There have been many studies on the benefits of mindfulness, and it's a good time to start practicing it. We live fast, work long hours,...
Regulatory landscape is changing with more governments taking steps to drive corporate responsibility and sustainability, and EU is...
As the federal government prepares to declare a first-ever water shortage at Lake Mead, Arizona state leaders, Native American tribes,...
An international team of marine biologists has found mesopelagic fish in the earth's oceans constitute 10 to 30 times more biomass than...
Thanks to Molly Watt's advocacy, I have found out much more about Usher Syndrome (DeafBlind).
This week is DeafBlind Awareness Week and I...
Luxury fashion brand Gucci unveiled three new vegan leather sneakers made from animal-free material known as Demetra. Have you got a pair...
Only the size of a pinhead, but the biggest scourge to bees that has troubled beekeepers and their bees for decades already. Varroa...
Despite harsh desert conditions, the local dairy industry has innovated to provide perishable products sustainably
Today, the...
Shared from LinkedIn :
This is Nadia Nadim. She was born in Afghanistan. Her father was murdered by the Taliban when she was 11 years old...
Lego has unveiled its first bricks made from recycled plastic bottles and revealed that it hopes to include the pieces in sets within two...
On June 11th, Ghana celebrated its first Green Ghana Day by planting somewhere near five million trees in country. Intertek Ghana...
Rocio compartió una publicación en Facebook que me llamó la atención así que seguí el vínculo mismo que incluyo en esta publicación...
Une inéluctable dégradation. L’Unesco a publié lundi un rapport préliminaire dans lequel elle recommande de rétrograder le statut de la...
The rollout of Ying Yang Bao, or Fortified Complementary Food Supplement, was the cornerstone of a nationwide program aimed at improving...
Skatewear brand Vans has launched a new ‘earth-conscious’ Eco Theory vegan range. It's fantastic to know one more brand starts to produce...
Esempi da seguire e da cui imparare
Un intervento di soccorso inclusivo tiene conto delle conseguenze che un’emergenza può avere sulle persone più fragili: disabili,...…
Not only are eco-friendly schools important for the well-being of our unfortunately endangered environment, but they’re also...
Burberry announced its new commitment to becoming climate positive by 2040 and it aims to do so by slashing its emissions across its...
As we near the end of another academic year disrupted by COVID-19, many students feel the effects of the pandemic and the uncertainty it...
Singapore is known as one of the cleanest cities in the world, and its army of collectors are the city-state's original recyclers. Even...…
Beekeeping is one of the oldest industries in existence, but it faces numerous threats. A number of tech firms hope to help the honey bee...…
Une manière de sensibiliser les jeunes générations aux enjeux environnementaux tout en s'amusant!
Mattel a lancé sa première collection de poupées fabriquées à partir de 90 % de matières plastique recyclées menaçant les océans,...…
In 2020, a report published by the ILO revealed that 61.7 percent of both male and female RMG workers in Bangladesh face violence and...
Bangladesh’s economic growth leans-on three pillars: exports competitiveness, social progress and fiscal prudence. Between 2011 and 2019,...
Wastewater usage, water-effecient agriculture, knowledge of soil moisture and convergence in agriculture could be possible methods to...
Recuerdan que el mar y yo tenemos una vieja historia?...bueno pues muchas caminatas fueron para recoger conchitas...mi mamá nos...
Me encontré una imagen publicada en facebook y me llamo la atención porque suelo preferir el tipo de letra Arial pero me dije...
Las mariposas siempre me han fascinado y desde muy pequeña me percaté de su fragilidad ...iba de vacaciones a Lagunilla, Hidalgo por...
Me encontré una publicación de lo que entiendo es una organización para cuidar el agua "Charco Bendito" y busqué su página web y me...
Bangladesh imported 3.5 billion dollars worth of cotton fiber in 2019. If Bangladesh can reduce import by 15% by recycling cotton waste,...
Vous avez jusqu'au 30 Juin pour déposer votre candidature ! Toutes les organisations de la société civile officiellement enregistrées...
España es líder mundial en el sector turístico, constituye uno de los principales pilares de la economía, fuente de ingresos y de...
On Friday June 11, Intertek Sofia office organized a sustainable initiative to emphasize the need of being environmentally conscious so...
El sabado 2 de junio, personal de la oficina de Intertek en Bilbao participó con el Proyecto Libera, en la iniciativa nacional “1 m2...
Hoy, 18 de junio, se celebra el Día de la Gastronomía Sostenible con el fin de promover el desarrollo de la agricultura, la seguridad...
Here we go inspire our young generation again, another STEM activity in the Green Day in a local Primary School.
This time, we brought...
Cheltenham-based Superdry has found that an increasing number of shoppers are cutting down on fast fashion in favour of more sustainable...
The public on Tuesday was invited by the government to make suggestions on a cut-off date on the importation of cars and vans powered by...…
Love it! As a consumer would certainly associate and shop at Aldi. Shopper needs to visually see these simple visuals and other great...
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that remains in the atmosphere for hundreds of years. The amount of carbon dioxide in Earth's...
Free public transportation that runs on electric vehicles and more widespread installation of photovoltaic panel energy systems are among...…
Durante miles de años, la naturaleza ha compensado el exceso de gases de efecto invernadero por su autorregulación. Pero la frenética...…
The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, created a polymer film by mimicking the properties of spider silk, one of the...
El reciclaje de aguas residuales se perfila como un medio clave para aliviar la presión sobre los recursos hídricos del planeta y mejorar...…
Prepara borsa guanti e, se le hai, le pinze raccoglirifiuti
Esci di casa
Individua il nemico
Deliveroo is partnering with The Loops, a local startup to bring corporate recycling programmes to its Deliveroo for Business and...
Canada has been in a state of mourning over the discovery of an unmarked grave of 215 children at a single residential school in...
Un equipo de investigadores de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) ha diseñado un prototipo para que cualquier persona que pueda...…
Euro 2020 is finally here and football lovers are busy watching the games. Let's talk about health, marketing, and an interesting scene...
As I am working in the Food Industry since more than 20 years, I talk and think about Food supply chains every day. When I read about...
Urge una transformación profunda de las estrategias de gestión del agua y el combate de los pozos ilegales, la sobreexplotación y la...…
Air pollution is a serious problem in many European cities, posing a real risk to health. Today, the European Environment Agency (EEA)...
In a bid to become more sustainable, Stockholm has found an unusual ally, old Christmas trees and other garden debris. The Swedish...
For the 3rd Session of our Monday Morning Coffee Break, our very special guest was our Regional Managing Director, Mr. Richard Gamo....
Los alimentos juegan un papel decisivo a la hora de dar respuesta a los principales desafíos que tiene el mundo: ya sean de índole...
La gran reforma verde de nuestra economía y nuestro modo de vida, esa que impulsarán los fondos de recuperación de la Unión Europea, pasa...
Masdar City drives global green recovery from COVID-19
French company Veolia is demonstrating that companies can introduce recycled petroleum-based plastics (PET) plastics into their...
La vanilline est utilisée dans l'industrie agroalimentaire et dans celle des cosmétiques, mais intervient aussi dans la production de...
In live streaming su Linkedin, martedì 22 giugno, h 17.00. Partecipazione gratuita
Per comprendere i modi in cui i pregiudizi personali e...
Park Belitsa is located in Rila Mountains, around180 km from Sofia, 12 km from the town of Belitsa and 35 km from ski resort in Bansko....
Give blood and make the world a healthier place! A simple way to save a life
Huaying city, located in Southwest China's Sichuan province, has developed an economy around the planting and picking of agricultural...
While heat source pumps are becoming more popular in the UK for heating homes, these typically only go down 150m into the ground. The...
While most of us will live or work in brick and mortar or concrete buildings, some of us will be ahead of the curve and working from a...
L’authority italiana a breve avvierà un’analisi comparata dei criteri e delle metodologie adottate dai protagonisti del mondo Esg...
Un amendement gouvernemental en ce sens a été présenté lors de l’examen en première lecture du projet de loi “climat et résilience” par...
As a parent, 'being green' can feel like adding one more thing to the never-ending to-do list that can bring all your spinning plates...
C'était le week-end dernier, les grandes puissances se sont réunies et ont baptisé leur projet "Reconstruire le monde en mieux". C'est...
A Filipino teacher in Phoenix, Arizona has been recognized for effectively using music and culture in educating his students in science...
The Human Library®’s mission is to provide support for Human Library® programs and book depot services around the world, to raise funds...
The new generation of leaders under 30 who are raising their voices and striving to make a difference.
What do old televisions, street signs, motorbike helmets, windsurf boards, and Christmas trees have in common? They were all caught...
La rápida implantación de la solar y los proyectos relacionados con el litio sitúan a la comunidad en el centro de la descarbonización...
The European Commission is “considering rules on mandatory recycled content” for certain plastic components of new vehicles, a move it...
La compañía española orientará sus trabajos en materia medioambiental a reducir la generación de residuos en sus centros y plataformas...
As a contributor to this £5bn in tech dollars, I found this article interesting. My need to purchase all of the latest communication tech...
New powers to crack down on puppy smuggling and increased protections for farm animals will be brought in under new legislation set to be...
Another great initiative to build the capacity of the mid-level management as well as workforce of the factories in the relevant field.
The Centre for Innovation, Efficiency and OSH will work to enhance the knowledge of future production leaders of the country. It also...…
A study from FAO revealed that about one-third of all food produced worldwide gets lost or wasted in the food production and consumption...
Produrre rifiuti è facile. Raccoglierli e trattarli in modo sostenibile, non lo è affatto.
Ma sono attivi diversi progetti che sfruttano...
La campaña 'La cara invisible del planeta' se desarrolla en 31 provincias el 12 de junio para llamar la atención sobre un sistema de...
Unilever is set to launch its first paper-based bottles for laundry detergent in Brazil next year, with an ambition in place to introduce...