Stella McCartney Launches Plant-Based & Recycled Version of Eclypse Sneakers
Stella McCartney has created a new version of its Eclypse sneakers, made entirely with sustainable materials. The shoes’ uppers are made...
Stella McCartney has created a new version of its Eclypse sneakers, made entirely with sustainable materials. The shoes’ uppers are made...
Luxury fashion group Kering has pledged to ditch fur across all its brands, as high-end labels face greater scrutiny over animal welfare...
The British Fashion Council (BFC) is urging big-name companies to go beyond setting headline sustainability targets to cut emissions and...
La contaminación del aire contribuyó a casi 6 millones de nacimientos prematuros y a cerca de 3 millones de bebés con bajo peso en 2019,...
Las compañías eléctricas tienen derecho a cerrar sus centrales, pero no de la noche a la mañana ni de forma unilateral; primero es...
External recognition for Intertek's commitment to Sustainability
We are delighted to announce that that MSCI – one of the key ESG ratings...
"You can't improve everything at once," she continues. What's more, if you do manage to incorporate multiple interventions at once, you...…
La petición formal la planteaban el pasado mes de junio la patronal del sector eólico europeo (WindEurope) y la del español (AEE), con el...
Marburg, a leafy, medieval university town in Germany is the home of a specialist school for the blind., Marburg has turned into a hotbed...
Los activistas climáticos son cada vez más jóvenes: niños y niñas de todos los rincones del mundo que, conscientes del peligro del...
Mucho se ha escrito y hablado estos días sobre las emisiones de dióxido de azufre del volcán de La Palma. Quizás demasiado. Los expertos...
Intertek PSI went to the streets of Portland, Oregon, USA to help with one of many litter cleanup events organized by SOLVE, a non-profit...
Intertek Cortland participated in the United Way’s Day of Caring on September 22, bringing the community and businesses together to help...
Restrictions linked to the on-going coronavirus pandemic have devastated the taxi industry in Thailand. Many drivers left big cities to...
Giving blood is a simple thing to do, but it can make a big difference in the lives of others. This September, Intertek’s electrical lab...
Intertek has won Gold for its 2020 Sustainability Report in the 'Best CSR/ESG report' category at the 2021 Corporate and Financial...
Je viens de découvrir ce nouveau type de ferme où comment mêler la pisciculture et le maraîchage
Savant mélange de pisciculture et de maraîchage, l’aquaponie a le vent en poupe. L’aquaponie est la combinaison vertueuse de trois...…
Huawei Technologies Co's self-developed operating system HarmonyOS is now being used in the mining sector, the technology giant announced...
Good article on cyber security and ESG. Cyber security viewed here within the Governance aspect -- as part of PRIs assessment to...
Hosted by the Child Advocacy Center in Cortland, NY the ‘One Too Many’ 5K raises awareness of, and helps to end child abuse. The Cortland...
Tech giant Tencent is building a digital museum, in a move to promote virtual tour of the Great Wall, the company said at an online forum...
A company in Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region has been exporting drip irrigation technology to Central Asian countries...
Pangaia, the London-based sustainable fashion brand, has just added two new 100% bio-based alternatives to its material line-up. The new...
En plena escalada de precios de la electricidad el Gobierno ya ha tomado cartas en el asunto y ha introducido medidas con las...
Su objetivo es compartir conocimientos y buenas prácticas sobre proyectos e iniciativas que se están desarrollando a favor de los...…
This year, more than 268,600 women and 2,600 men will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer (cancer that has spread from where it...
Según los datos que han recogidos los satélites pertenecientes al programa europeo Copérnico, los expertos predicen que el dióxido de...…
The Remarkable Rejects food company is saving consumers money and preventing valuable food from going to waste. The founder of Remarkable...
Hoy 23 de septiembre, - ‘El Periódico Verde’ celebra el Día del Perro Adoptado, una iniciativa que busca concienciar acerca...…
Cette semaine a lieu, notre 3ème édition de la Qualité de Vie au Travail en France.
Dans cette édition 2021 nous proposons à nos...
While not every business will be making sweeping changes to the ways employees work, companies will be looking to each other for...
This event will be livestreamed via You need to register to watch it online.Simultaneous interpretation...
Je trouve l'idée super!!! Une façon d'aider à faire changer les habitudes du quotidien pour limiter son empreinte carbone
Gagner des points plus on parcourt de distance en avion… Le système des « miles » est ingénieux, « mais revient à encourager les gens à...…
23-24 Stettembre, Torino.
Una settantina di speaker cercheranno di tracciare la strada verso un futuro migliore, da raggiungere con le...
In 29 September 2021, the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste will be observed for the second time.
Reducing food loss...
The UK National Eye Care week (20th to 26th of September 2021) raises awareness of the importance of eye care. Regular eye tests help to...
Rifò, startup toscana nata nel distretto tessile di Prato, crea abiti e accessori recuperando i tessuti di vecchi vestiti come maglioni...
l’incubateur accueille du 24 au 26 septembre la première édition parisienne du Conscious Festival, un événement festif sur les questions...
Cyber Security now firmly within ESG under social responsibility. Great also to see this tracking through the MSCI...
Carlo Biado ended the Philippines' 27-year hiatus for a US Open Pool title with a come-from-behind 13-8 win over Singapore's Aloysius...
Negli ultimi 5 anni la sensibilità degli italiani per l'ambiente si è tradotta in un balzo in avanti nella raccolta differenziata del...
1.6 earths would be needed to maintain our current lifestyle. So, nature’s resources will be used 1.6 times faster than ecosystems can...
Intertek Indonesia is pleased to announce it has awarded BSJ with POSI-Check certification which demonstrates it is effectively managing...
Yin Qi Xie, a Toronto native, has an uplifting story. As a long-time ballerina Yin Qi Xie, was at a low point in her life and decided to...
El aislamiento térmico y la eficiencia energética se han convertido en los últimos años en una de las prioridades de las políticas de...…
My grocery store has a farm in it and I love it. Vertical farming has been around for decades and I'm thrilled that infarm has made these...
Más de 57 millones de toneladas de aparatos eléctricos se envían a vertederos o destinos inciertos cada año. La ONU advierte de que la...…
By criminalising pet theft, the UK government wants to recognise that it is a serious crime, that animals are more than mere property,...
Online retailer also says it will ensure that 50% of managers are women, and 15% are from ethnic minorities
Pero la cuestión es compleja y hay que plantearse algunas preguntas: ¿pueden los bioplásticos sustituir a los plásticos convencionales a...…
A new global survey illustrates the depth of anxiety many young people are feeling about climate change.
“Esperamos que Uchuu permita estudiar la evolución del universo con un nivel de detalle y un volumen de información sin precedentes,...…
It is an uphill battle against plastic pollution and every step counts in the climb. Otto's Coffee House in Sevenoaks, Kent, has been...
The new Clark International Airport is important for several reasons:
1. It’s the fruit of the first public-private partnership awarded...
Aunque nacieron como ropa de trabajo pensada para los mineros del oeste americano, los pantalones tejanos, blue jeans o, simplemente,...…
Let's explore the pros and cons of social media on mental health!
social media is a powerful communication tool that has changed how individuals interact with one another. It speeds up how people...…
MITECO ha elaborado unas Directrices para el diseño e implantación en municipios de Zonas de Bajas Emisiones. La Ley de Cambio Climático...…
Ahora que los estudios demuestran que el cambio climático es irreversible, las soluciones de urgencia para enfriar el planeta son cada...…
Existen más de 20.000 especies de abejas en todo el mundo, pero no todas responden de igual manera a las presiones medioambientales....…
Ahora bien, ¿cómo se desenvuelven las máquinas en un entorno en el que las emociones son parte del ser humano e incluso, en muchas...…
En una de las zonas oceánicas más remotas del mundo, el Mar de Weddell, varias especies de focas crían y se alimentan: entre ellas las...…
Recent news about the shut down of a key electricity cable between Britain and France have highlighted the enormous infrastructure...
Un estudio multidisciplinar con participación del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) y la Universidad de Barcelona...
La transizione ecologica verso fonti energetiche a basse emissioni è appena cominciata, ma in Italia è già diventata il capro espiatorio...
Su un pianeta coperto al 71% dal mare è lecito immaginare che il contributo di quest'ultimo al fabbisogno energetico sia destinato ad...
Aujourd'hui marque le cinquantième anniversaire de l'organisation écologique Greenpeace.
Un demi-siècle après la création de Greenpeace, le 15 septembre 1971, la cheffe de l’ONG, Jennifer Morgan, n’est pas vraiment à la fête....…
Encore un bel exemple où économie et écologie s'associent pour accompagner la transition écologique.
Connecter des porteurs de projets à impact environnemental et des entrepreneurs passionnés qui apportent leurs expertises, c’est la...…
An international collaborative conference between NJ's Rutgers Center for Urban Environmental Sustainability and the Rutgers Climate...
Nestlé Philippines has achieved a fresh milestone in tackling plastic waste as it completes its first year of plastic neutrality, the...
A new law will make England the first country in the world to require all new homes to have EV chargers.
Specifically, all new homes...
Interview très intéressante de Jean-Louis Étienne, médecin-explorateur qui interviendra au cours de l'événement Maddy Keynote au sujet du...
27 sierpnia 2021, po wielu miesiącach home office, udało nam się spotkać na rejsie po Wiśle w Warszawie. W spotkaniu uczestniczyli...
El proceso de obtención de un combustible sintético es complejo, pero merece la pena, porque permite recortar las emisiones de CO2 hasta...
The environmental impact of the fashion industry is huge. The problems of plastic pollution and fabric waste needed handling yesterday,...
Several major solar power companies in China are making forays into the hydrogen sector in search of the next big investment opportunity...
100% Fairer Direkthandel - 100% Rösthandwerk - 100% Speciality Coffee
Darum geht es bei unserem neuen Kaffeelieferanten Bohnen...
Honor has overtook Xiaomi and Apple to become China's third-largest smartphone producer for the first time after it separated from Huawei...
In vielen Bundesländern sind die Ferien mittlerweile zu Ende und die Schule hat wieder begonnen. Das heißt auch, das viele Schüler wieder...
China's capital city of Beijing aims to have over 10,000 fuel cell vehicles on the road and 37 hydrogen filling stations by 2025, as part...
The Scouts have launched a new outdoor education programme to help encourage children living in poor areas to get outside, learn new...
On 15 September, over 30 Oxford Street stores, including Selfridges, John Lewis, Urban Outfitters, Nike Town, H&M and New Balance,...
German chemical giant BASF said six of its sites in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces have announced they will join China's pilot...
Several major solar power companies in China are making forays into the hydrogen sector in search of the next big investment opportunity...
La contaminación atmosférica, el “mayor riesgo ambiental para la salud humana” y “una de las principales causas evitables de...
Si chiama "Orca" ed è un sistema in grado di catturare l'anidride carbonica e iniettarla nel sottosuolo, a mille metri di profondità, per...
Blue whales are a wondrous species - the largest animal on earth and graceful swimmers despite their bulk. And it seems like they haven't...
UNIC – Concerie Italiane, l’istituto di certificazione ICEC e WWF (The World Wildlife Fund) uniscono le forze. E si impegnano in una...
Las pruebas de estas emisiones, a través de un sistema de medición remota, analizaron camiones Euro VI -la última norma europea sobre...
L’Italia si candida per ospitare la sede italiana della nuova Banca europea per lo sviluppo climatico e sostenibile presso la città di...
Fabricadas con un 90% de materiales reciclados de origen biológico, las últimas zapatillas de Louis Vuitton presumen de confección...
A school in London has been using robotic heads to enable students who cannot physically attend to have a more inclusive experience.
La situación inédita y compleja provocada por la pandemia ha exigido grandes dosis de resiliencia y adaptación a la industria...
This startup is one of a handful of companies in the “direct air capture” industry.
Meet Orca: Climeworks' new large-scale...
Déployée depuis 1992 en France, l'étiquette énergie renseigne les consommateurs sur la consommation électrique de leurs appareils. Une...
Riparte una delle fiere di riferimento per il design italiano, dopo la cancellazione dell'edizione 2020.Salone del Mobile, Milano 5-10...
‘Un mismo equipo’, una cuenta con más de 16.000 seguidores en la red social Instagram, conecta a empresarios y perfiles en situación de...
Rendez-vous du 29 novembre au 1er décembre 2021 pour le 5ème forum de l'UNESCO (totalement réalisé en distanciel). Parce que faire...
AT present, 2.7 million tons of plastic waste are generated in the Philippines each year, an estimated 20 percent of which ends up in the...
World-renowned conservationist Jane Goodall will be establishing a new sustainability academy in Taipei. Part of the Conservation...
Intertek Japan has held an online sustainability awareness event with colleagues and their children. Each participant picked one of the...
Known for its straightforward, simple designs, Muji has transformed beyond a brand of minimalism to a veritable lifestyle. From
"La mia rubrica di Settembre su Natural Style parla di bambini e educazione. L’importanza di creare futuri adulti responsabili parte...…
J'ai vu cette initiative récemment et j'ai trouvé le concept super! Bienveillance et solidarité, des valeurs chères pour moi qui apporte...
SIF 2021venerdì 10 settembre nel Campus Economico di San Giobbe in modalità duale, fisica e virtuale (link per partecipare online...
Amazon has launched a new agroforestry and restoration programme that will utilise nature-based solutions (NbS) while improving...
A heartwarming video showing a blind guest being surprised by a Braille birthday message at a restaurant has gone viral on TikTok.
Self–Care Awareness Month in September is a time to remind us that taking care of ourselves, first and foremost, is essential. Self-care...
On September 15, 2021 the USDA will host a virtual roundtable to showcase innovative policies and approaches to reducing food waste...
Mexico becomes the 41st country worldwide to introduce a blanket ban on animal testing for cosmetics. The new law also bans the...
Dogs working for us is nothing new, we've all seen service dogs of various types, guide dogs, companion dogs and even junkyard dogs.
Many products purchased today are manufactured in other countries and transported via cargo ships. The shipping industry are looking for...
A new WWF-Hong Kong report has spotlighted the major “sustainable cotton clothing and information gap” in the local fashion market. The...
La storica manifestazione di artigianato locale si terrà domenica 5 settembre in una versione speciale interamente dedicata ad un...
Zara is now aiming that 50 percent of its products will meet the ‘Join Life’ standard by 2022. the garments in the ‘Join Life’ collection...
The effects of climate change and increasing levels of greenhouse gases are frequently seen on newspaper front pages and are a topic high...
This family in Costa Rica is taking matters into their own hands when it comes to Sustainable living.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced Israel to modernize its transport network almost overnight. Commuter volume decreased after lockdown, but...
Though most efforts to make electric vehicle (EV) batteries without using heavy metals are still undergoing laboratory tests, a Chinese...
Il mondo della gioielleria contemporanea sposa le istanze ambientaliste e sociali, e crea preziosi monili provenienti da riciclo o da...
The 2021 World 5G Convention kicked off in Beijing on Tuesday. The first 5G international convention attracted 34 enterprises to display...
Estamos lejos de conseguir la igualdad de género en muchos aspectos. Uno de ellos, el de la cantidad de mujeres que ocupan cargos...
This is fantastic and so incredibly important in our fight against climate change. Well done Germany! The world should be watching closely.
Farming animals is responsible for 14.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural...…
Se trata de 578 paneles fotovoltaicos de 455 Wp cada uno (Watts Pico, potencia nominal de un módulo solar fotovoltaico) que producirán el...
Nuestra preocupación por el medio ambiente va creciendo progresivamente. Hace tiempo que nos empezamos a dar cuenta de que es...
El Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica (MITECO), por medio del Instituto para la Transición Justa (ITJ), destina más de 143 millones...…
People around the world are learning how to recycle plastic waste themselves, and turn it into fun and useful things.
A group called...
El nuevo etiquetado energético de fuentes de iluminación (fundamentalmente bombillas y lámparas) modificado por la Comisión Europea para...
El reciclaje goza de buena salud. No hay duda. Sin embargo, hay una serie de productos que año tras año acaban en el contenedor...
Los desastres naturales se han cuadruplicado en los últimos cuarenta años, cuantifica la ONU. Huracanes, incendios, tsunamis,...…
La historia del Mar Menor es el paradigma de lo no sostenible; un escenario en el que desde los años 60 la corrupción y el descontrol...…
¿Has pensado alguna vez en la importancia del envase de un producto? Se trata de algo más que la mera presentación y protección de lo que...…
China Petrochemical Corp, or Sinopec Group, has built a new hydrogen refueling station in Southwest China's Chongqing, the company...
En el planeta hay, aproximadamente, tres billones de árboles. La cifra aumenta exponencialmente si hablamos del resto de vegetales...
No solo es importante tener acceso a un tomacorriente cuando nos vamos de acampada o queremos realizar actividades al aire libre ya sean...
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