Only 4% Of Employees Disclose A Disability, But New HR Tools And Training Could Upend That Trend
From my personal experience, it is a very uncertain and cautious decision to twell your employer about your disability. I knew it would...
From my personal experience, it is a very uncertain and cautious decision to twell your employer about your disability. I knew it would...
Quien saliese a pasear por los campos de la Península Ibérica hace 450 años se hubiese encontrado con un paisaje y una fauna muy...…
Cooperation and collaboration are key if businesses are to move to a greener way of working, according to Honeywell’s chief...
Companies and countries are spending billions to make green energy from renewables, using it to extract hydrogen from water to generate...
When I was very young (i.e. somewhere between having learned to hold up my own head and being able to form lasting memories), I was taken...
A Finnish company Stora Enso demonstrated how. Even better, a real example of a school.
There is always a choice!
We got to share with the...
Naumi Hotels is raising the bar for eco-tourism with its holistic, conscious model — which includes repurposing existing buildings,...…
La cámara digital más grande jamás creada para astronomía, de 3.200 megapíxeles y tres toneladas de peso, nos ofrecerá imágenes tan...…
More than 330 businesses and counting...Over 100 of these businesses are multi-billion in revenue backing to make nature assessment and...
We still have plenty of work to do to find alternative ways of experiencing the same thing.
The internet is not accessible, and that’s a problem for one in five people.
Nacida en 1935 en un pueblecito del estado de New Jersey, a los 12 años Sylvia Earle se mudó con su familia a una casa junto al mar en...…
These biodegradable, floating houses are revitalizing abandoned European harbors, creating recreational spaces for everyone to enjoy...…
A pesar de que se trata de una de las estancias más limpias de la casa, en la cocina vive todo un complejo ecosistema formado por...…
Alors que la consommation d'électricité s'annonce tendue cet hiver, le dispositif Ecowatt a été conçu pour permettre à chacun d'agir sur...
A principios del siglo XX, la población mundial era de 1.650 millones. En la década de los 70, hace 50 años, éramos ya 3.692 millones de...…
A not-for-profit organization started the journey in 2013 to speak for the forest and its ecosystem.
Seeing the two-minute video the...
Even in the modern age, where an online opinion on celebrity behaviour can attract responses equivalent in number to a medium-sized town,...
In a world where the mistreatment of employees, supply chain workers and/or the planet will quickly go public through a social post or a...…
You will see a trend here with my posts... how to be a better parent, a stronger leader, a career Mom, a personal improvement explorer, a...
We need to look at our use of plastics and reduce our impact by changing our habits and the way we use single-use plastics. Take a water...
Día Mundial del Ahorro Energético 2022. A diario se oye hablar del ahorro energético. En los periódicos, en las redes sociales, en la...…
EspañaUnión Europea. Según los datos de Eurostat correspondientes al primer semestre de 2022, la electricidad que pagan los...
El Mar Menor, la mayor albufera de agua salada en España, y Europa, cuenta con un valor medioambiental incalculable, sin embargo, las...…
This article resonates so much with me. As a dancer in my spare time, we often talk about "flow". We say of a person that they have a...
We must not only create products that address environmental impact without compromising consumer experience, but also help consumers...…
Esta es una historia de optimismo. Un relato protagonizado por aquellas personas que buscan hasta en el último rincón las especies de...…
Get up!
Acknowledge and awaken your greatness! Why are we fearful of becoming a success? There are times when the...
Saipem has been awarded a contract by Qatargas for the North Field Production Sustainability Offshore Compression Complexes Project...
J'ai participé récemment à un festival dédié aux low-tech. J'y aidais une amie traiteur au niveau du catering du festival. De nombreuses...
New book from MIT scientists on Digital Transformation highlights five key areas of the journey.
: Articulate your firm’s purpose...
Working on the self internally is imperative for good mental health.
When reflecting and evaluating on the internal self, it...
The iconic Dodge Challenger goes electric… not before saying goodbye and being noticed.
"The 2023 Dodge Challenger will mark the end of the line, at least for Challengers powered by gas engines. Yep, Dodge is going electric,...…
Given its resources, infrastructure and land, Saudi Arabia is placed at a very competitive position in the green hydrogen industry,...
Do something you love and not what is comfortable!
It is not easy when acquiring your goals and quite rightly it's not meant to be....
You would be surprised that there are some people in your circle, who want you to stay in the same position, regardless of their own...
Treedom es una plataforma online que nos permite plantar árboles con tan solo un par de clicks en nuestro ordenador, o bien regalárselos...…
The US have taken a step forward in making hearing aids more accessible by allowing them to be sold over the counter.
"it previously could...
This beautiful young lady was first diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) in Oct 2015. Her “Never Give Up” spirit is...
Being the most iconic motorsport in the world, F1 is in the pole position for sustainability.
Based on climate actions, innovation, and...
Yes, there are some ethical issues any time you're using technology to "track someone", but this particular usage could actually save a...
PERCENTIL, una de las empresas líderes en Europa en la compra-venta de ropa de segunda mano, ha lanzado en colaboración con la ONG Oxfam...…
A new accelerator from the US Plastics Pact aims to catalyze broader adoption of reusable and refillable packaging options, while an...…
After all the tragic news and stories left behind from Hurricane Ian, here's a "win" to build on: Solar-powered communities that didn't...
La escritora francesa de 82 años ha sido galardonada con el Nobel de Literatura por 'la valentía y la agudeza clínica con las que desvela...…
Very interesting article on how technology can (have already) change the world organization recognizing that some technology companies...
Alain Aspect, John Clauser y Anton Zeilinger han sido los ganadores del Premio Nobel de Física 2022 por sus innovadores experimentos...…
2021's COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, held in Glasgow almost a year ago, was notable for both what was agreed and what was left to...
The North Face has launched its first commercial line of products designed for circularity.
A 20-piece collection launched Thursday...
Communication technology continues to "bring people together" with lifelike clarity. And like most early models this one appears to have...
The new Norwegian network of nine properties is on a mission to redefine business travel with experiences that embed and impart the very...…
Con motivo de la gran acogida que ha tenido la instalación del Cambiador Inclusivo en la playa de Nova Icaria, el Ayuntamiento de...…
Girls are at the forefront of leading their generation in accelerating social change. Today we celebrate the International Day of the...
Like all trees, cork oaks absorb CO2and through photosynthesis lock away carbon for many years in their roots and branches. Planting...
Basic needs (shelter, food and safety) are all that matter Thank you, Accor.
Proud to be a consumer of yours and you as a customer of mine.
Brune Poirson, Chief Sustainability Officer Accor, added, “We are pleased with the launch of the “Emergency Shelter” dedicated platform....…
Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP), the world’s largest Coca-Cola bottler and one of the world's leading consumer goods companies, has...…
Desde su fundación hace más de 30 años, Nespresso ha trabajado para llenar de calidad cada taza de café. Junto a la búsqueda del café de...…
Per the article, "...This calls for a celebration as a major success in public health, improvements in sanitation and disease control,...
Cuando penséis que no podéis cambiar algo en el mundo, cerrad los ojos e imaginad que sois una mujer negra que ha nacido en la Kenia...…
In Indonesia, small-time fishermen are being paid as part-time ocean clean-up crews, as the archipelago seeks to tidy their seas and...
For the women of Guazapa, El Salvador, the bicycle has become a sign of freedom, sustainability and empowerment.
As a 51-year-old...
Perhaps the desalination of seawater, suddenly cost-efficient, would relieve Earth's water shortages. Rubbish might be recycled on a...
Hoy se celebra el Día Mundial de la Salud Mental 2022, como cada 10 de octubre se trata de priorizar el bienestar mental de toda la...
Amazing in concept. I hope it's something that we can reliably implement in the near future.
"We've been talking about decoupling where energy is generated from where it's consumed for a few years now. It would be the same order...…
Fotógrafos profesionales y aficionados de todo el planeta han sido un año más invitados a participar en el certamen de fotografía EPSON...…
Demand for low-cost goods has pushed manufacturing into the farthest regions of the world — many of which are increasingly vulnerable to...…
La investigación contra el cáncer sanguíneo tiene en Castilla a la doctora reconocida como mejor especialista mundial en la búsqueda de...
Un equipo científico formado por investigadores del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC) y el Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes...
audi Arabia Railways has launched a railway service linking the north and east networks through Jubail Industrial City.
SAR said the new...
A new report analyzes the executive compensation packages of 47 of the US’s most carbon-emitting companies. Where climate-related...…
El Consejo de Ministros, a petición del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico, el Ministerio de Hacienda y...
4 applications passées en revue par Novethic pour permettre aux consommateurs d'agir de manière plus responsable en matière de mode !
Rentrée des classes, baisse des températures et changement de saison : septembre rime bien souvent avec nouvelle garde-robe. Mais alors...…
The airline industry contributes around 2.5% of global carbon emissions, but scientists believe it has a much higher impact on climate...
Desde su fundación en 2021, la compañía ha servido más de 180.000 platos de comida entre sus clientes, lo que ha contribuido a que no se...…
I just heard that the 10th of October is World Mental Health Day. Mental Health is something I continue to struggle with, it is something...
After the last few years of staying close to home, I am more than ready to start getting out and seeing the world again. Given the recent...
La tasa de reciclado del conjunto de latas de bebidas en España superó el 72 % en 2021 y alcanzó el 67 % en el caso de las latas de...
Pour accompagner la transition écologique, un des leviers qui permettra le changement reste le levier financier. Encourager...
El Grupo de los Países Menos Desarrollados (LDC, por sus siglas en inglés) exige que se atiendan sus demandas de financiación climática...
More than a dozen renowned international restaurant brands are set to open in Riyadh by the end of the year, including several with...
I first watched this advert from the RNIB (Royal National Institute of the Blind) earlier in the week and it really resonated with me. I...
People´s sustainability is a concept that shows how can we stablish long term, productive, creative, and meaningful relationships. Either...
Taking place every year on October 14, World Standards Day shines a light on the importance of Standards in helping create a world we can...…
Saudi Arabia has won a bid to host 10th Asian Winter Games (AWG) for 2029 in Trojena, NEOM’s global destination for mountain tourism.
ESG investors are moving beyond simple exclusionary approaches to put emphasis on impact measurement and meeting net-zero targets. As the...…
Las consecuencias del cambio climático van en aumento y las hemos podido experimentar en nuestras propias carnes. No nos son ajenas las...…
Hace un par de semanas, el normalmente admirado futbolista del Paris Saint Germain Kylian Mbappé recibió un fuerte rapapolvo nacional y...
The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) has struggled to change with the increased use of technology.
This week, Sen. Tammy...
The British Retail Consortium (BRC) has published voluntary guidelines to help businesses selling second-hand and pre-loved items on...
This woman has quite the legacy. Thank you Dr. Evans.
Dr. Evans was a renowned figure in the world of childhood cancer. In 1971 she...
Una buena noticia en medio de tanto catastrofismo: las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO₂) de China —el mayor emisor del mundo de
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