I just heard that the 10th of October is World Mental Health Day. Mental Health is something I continue to struggle with, it is something I still feel has stigma and find myself reluctant to talk about. I know the stigma will only fade as we all talk about it.

The theme for this year, as set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is ‘making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority’ and we’re asking you to look after ‘Number 1’ when it comes to your mental health.

Mental Health UK are sharing these resources.

What's in your circle of control?

When thinking about how to look after Number 1, a great place to start is visualising what’s in your ‘circle of control’. What aspects of your life can you make a priority? What brings meaning and comfort in your life? Are they within your control?

You’re sure to find something that within your circle of control that can bring about a positive impact on your mental health.

A diagram showing the 3 layers of control as circles, Inside our control, Circle of Influence and outside of our control.

Prioritise Mental Health activity sheet

A guide to having a conversation around mental health.

World Mental Health Day 2022 - Mental Health UK (mentalhealth-uk.org) 

Also read my Talking About Mental Health post