Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better



¿Cuánto sabes sobre volcanes?

Los volcanes han dado forma a nuestro planeta y a su atmósfera a lo largo de millones de años. Ahora, la erupción del volcán de Cumbre...…

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Natural Cough Remedies

If you're like me... you are struggling with a non-Covid lingering cough that is just annoying enough to make you want to pull your hair...

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6 environmental wins that gave us hope in 2022

There is hope if we keep making wins but it is up to us to ensure the future of this planet.

The world now has eight billion people, according to the United Nations. The milestone, reached late this year, comes at a time when...…

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If you can't beat it, eat it

12 year old Utah girl creates edible water bottle to reduce plastic pollution.

Safe to say she won 1st prize at the Science Fair.

After learning more about plastic pollution and ways to reduce it, she designed what she calls the Eco-Hero. The gelatinous water bottle...…

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Día Mundial del Suelo

El Día Mundial del Suelo 2022 y su campaña «Los suelos, origen de los alimentos» tiene como objetivo crear conciencia sobre la...

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Outreached Peak Levels!

Enough is enough! When you can see all around you strikes upon strikes, organisations and establishments taking strike action,

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Creating, sharing and inspiring change. For good.

The global issues we face are challenging and interconnected. They can seem insurmountable. But if you know where to look, co-operation, positive change and hope are all around us. Build Back Ever Better is a project that recognises the progress being made, and the amazing people who are making a difference. Share your own hopes, pledges and projects with #BBEB, or become a contributor.

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