This Bengaluru fintech startup uses the power of community networks to improve financial inclusion
Founded in July 2019, Bengaluru fintech startup Findeed provides low to mid-income Indian families access to formal credit with simple...…
Founded in July 2019, Bengaluru fintech startup Findeed provides low to mid-income Indian families access to formal credit with simple...…
The New European Bauhaus is a creative and interdisciplinary initiative, convening a space of encounter to design future ways of living,...
Children and young people are real owner of the future. The most important stop on the road of sustainability awareness is to inform...
Pour beaucoup, la guêpe représente une source de stress à l'approche des beaux jours et son simple bourdonnement fait l'effet d'un signal...
This is a good example to learn the steps needed to move our community forward.
Hong Kong Football Club player John McCormick-Houston plans to match his club’s staggering 869km charity campaign target on his own. The...…
"The world's glaciers are melting at an accelerating rate, according to a comprehensive new study. The researchers found them to have...
The pandemic has exposed gaps in the notion of development across global markets. India now needs to rely on a circular economy, by...…
Seaspiracy documentary on Netflix is an eye opener- illustrating the risk of having little or no oversite in an industry. The film...
Mucha gente se pregunta por qué no todas las personas ciegas tienen perros guía y hay varias razones que lo explican: no a todos les...
'His Children Need Him': 85-Year-Old Sacrifices Hospital Bed & Life For Younger Man In Need
Más de 65 billones de euros, con b. Un total de 66,2 billones de euros es la inversión necesaria para lograr un planeta cero emisiones en...…
There is always something you can do to help others. And by helping others you will also help yourself. Research shows that volunteering...…
Kilka pozytywnych ujęć natury. Bociany po powrocie do Polski oraz Czech, decydują się na powiększenie rodziny!
Bociany przyleciały do Polski już kilka tygodni temu. Jednak teraz nadszedł czas składania jaj przez te ptaki. W czeskim Trutnov...…
"The Hong Kong Maritime Museum will be expanded to focus on marine and environmental issues while continuing its mission of showcasing...
Fantastic grassroots initiative that helps communities access much needed food supplies, in a sustainable way. Run by the community, for...
These are the key points to note for the new EU Sustainable Finance Package, including Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive...
Gonoshasthaya Kendra launched mobile Covid treatment service intending to provide Covid treatment at doorsteps of Covid patients in four...
Government and union representatives started a discussion on the agreement on Wednesday in Katowice, a city in the coal-mining heartland...
Un passionné de plantes qui a du génie !
A Lyon (Rhône), la société protectrice des végétaux créée par Nicolas Palliu considère les plantes comme des êtres vivants dignes de...…
22nd April, 2021
My team and I have been engaging in STEM education in the past 3 years and during the lockdown, we also tried to put on...
In 2013, there was outrage around the world when 1,134 people died and more than 2,500 injured after an eight-storey garment factory...
Greenwashing is when companies overstate their ESG commitments to mitigating any ESG associated risks. This can be done by adding...
Un estudio con participación de investigadores del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha revelado las consecuencias...
Do you know the impact of the lockdown brought to us? Is your mental health and quality of life being affected? The research by Frederick...
Plant-based and natural leather alternatives is great for the environment. Here comes with some examples that how these luxury brands are...
All Intertek NZ and Fiji locations have moved from purchasing bottled water which used to be in plastic bottles, to using water filters....
The Hunger Site has been around for many years, powered by ads, if you visit daily and click, read some ads you will help fund a movement...
L'autismo è una condizione del neurosviluppo che riguarda quasi il 2% della popolazione. Sebbene molte persone con autismo siano...
L'inclusione sociale come strumento di sviluppo al centro del nuovo progetto di ricerca che la Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia affiderà...
En 2050, siete de cada 10 personas vivirán en grandes núcleos urbanos, que hoy generan más del 80% del PIB mundial. Es necesario que esta...
In case you need a reminder about how our precious earth has changed, check out the biggest update to Google Earth since 2017 where you...
Possono il WWF -l'organizzazione più famosa per la salvaguardia dell'ambiente- e P&G Italia -una delle maggiori aziende di prodotti...
Je découvre cet article de la semaine dernière qui parle des améliorations constatées en matière de durabilité environnementale à travers...
Dans la continuité, plus d'information sur le dispositif de l'Ademe auprès des PME lancé en début d'année : le "Tremplin pour la...
l'Ademe fait depuis quinze ans énormément de pédagogie sur l'empreinte carbone. Les entreprises de toute taille sont de plus en...
La planificación del agua requiere de la cooperación y participación de sectores clave, principalmente aquellos que extraen, consumen y...
Sant Joan de Déu lidera el proyecto Share4Rare que pretende poner en contacto a las familias, empoderarlas y recopilar datos para avanzar...
Prior to the arrival of the first people in New Zealand in the 1300’s the landscape was very different with ancient podocarp forests and...
L’État a engagé une expérimentation de dix-huit mois en février 2020 pour définir, d’ici à fin 2021, cet étiquetage environnemental...
Blockchain e criptovalute tra vertiginosi consumi di energia e stimolo all'utilizzo di fonti rinnovabili, dove sta la verità? Come spesso...
Four years ago when we moved to the Niagara region I noticed a man going through recycling boxes on the street while out for a walk....
I have been looking at recent group discussions among colleagues, friends, family members and noticed few are worried about the outcome...
Today marks our two year anniversary with our milkman Kevin! I stopped today to think about our routine of having milk delivered...
Catwalk shows, fashion weeks, designers, collections are not the biggest headlines in fashion lately, as luxury goods companies have...
L'ENEA (Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile) ha pubblicato un opuscolo che...
A retenir de cet article : optimiser la gestion du trafic aérien pourrait permettre pour chaque vol une réduction de 8,6 à 11,2% des...
Dall'Università Milano-Bicocca un nuovo progetto per liberare i rifiuti organici dai residui di plastica a base di polietilene grazie...
Cameras placed for wildlife surveillance in both Southwest and Northeast China have recently captured rare activities of Asian elephants...…
Farmers in developing nations are facing extreme weather conditions. Climate change has affected rainfall patterns, drought, flooding and...
In recent years, sustainability has become a key strategic direction for companies from different sectors, driven by consumers'...
Make smart cities sustainable, too
Una tendenza, quella del Land Grabbing, non sempre adeguatamente considerata ma in crescita nell'ultimo decennio, spesso sotto traccia.
Il nome è sempre lo stesso: Land Grabbing, ovvero l’accaparramento delle terre fertili. Ma il significato che gli viene dato, e le...…
¿Dónde se generan realmente los residuos que acaban en los mares? ¿Cómo se acumulan las basuras marinas? ¿Qué son los microplásticos y...
El Secretario General de la ONU ha alertado de la precaria situación en la que se encuentra la salud climática del planeta y emplazó a...
Morrisons launched a program to help shoppers struggling to get sanitary products due to period poverty. All shoppers need to do is ask...
Puntare sulla città per salvare l’ambiente ha molto senso: occupano appena il 3% delle terre emerse ma ospitano oltre metà della...…
Only by radically changing how we think about how we do things can we truly move forward
Would you consider such a car? Never fuel, never...
Now is the time to look towards the future of all of us.
Look into your local areas opportunities and train now for a better tomorrow.
Eligible students may be able to access a range of independent and government funding to help subsidise the cost of your training.
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the idea of Work from Home (WFH) was a fantasy to many people. This is principally because home working...
Dressing for a Hotter Planet: In India, Designers Honor the Natural Sustainability of Artisan Crafts
If there’s one thing that unites India’s 1.3 billion people, it is heat. Even in a country with a variety of regional climates—from...…
An increasing number of housing estates in Hong Kong are becoming more pet friendly in a nod to homebuyers and residents who have adopted...
The latest list from 50 Best, the 50 Next list, celebrates the people under the age of 35 who are shaping the future of gastronomy....
From Antarctica to Australia, a British composer has captured sounds of nature around the world and put them together in a seven-hour...
The ongoing pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have meant that gyms and fitness centres were closed for months at a time over the past...
Polymer-eating enzymes embedded in plastic allow programmed degradation (
University of California, Berkeley, scientists have now invented a way to make these compostable plastics break down more easily, with...…
Inspiring .. He has set the challenge, which has seen people in more than 150 cities worldwide sign up to raise funds for Covid-19 victims.
"Thank you for your generous donations," Mr Choudhury said. "We have proved that we can stand hand to hand and shoulder to shoulder...…
Il est originaire de ma région et a décollé aujourd'hui. Entre autre durant la mission, ils utilisent des éco-emballages : des emballages...
Mayur Shelke, a pointsman with Central Railway who was hailed as a hero for risking his own life to save a child at a Mumbai station, is...
El 22 de abril es un día marcado en el calendario por muchos, aunque en ciertos momentos parece que poco queda de ese entusiasmo con el...
Bangladesh's position has improved mainly because of the competitive price, expertise with similar products over the years, and Quality
Have you ever thought of wearing your little black dress which is made of spider silk? It may be the future.
Now that we have numerous sustainable alternatives to leather and a host of other traditional fabrics, one thing is certain: tomorrow's...…
For 15 years, Hong Kong Disneyland Resort (HKDL) has been committed to environmental protection in its daily operation and various...
Sentinel 1a e b...riescono a guardare attraverso nuvole, soprattutto per monitorare le aree verdi, in particolar modo le zone tropicali,...…
"Il clima sta cambiando e le conseguenze sono troppo costose per il pianeta. Ogni paese deve impegnarsi a piani ambiziosi per ridurre le...…
Collisions routières, débroussailleuses, fragmentation de son habitat, empoisonnements dus aux pesticides… "Le hérisson se porte mal et...
Think of the slow food and slow fashion movements. Now Google may be seeding the slow drive movement when its Maps navigator to default...
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has released the Going for Growth policy report providing governments...
Sara Cunningham, of Oklahoma City, Says she will stand in for People of the LGBTQ who's parents won't show up because they don't support...
Cotton dyeing, which is highly polluting, could become much greener in the years to come thanks to Color on Demand, the name given to the...
It is exciting to see that as a result of the open letter sent by 400 powerful business and investor voices (see quote) calling for...
Barbers in London are being trained to test the blood of customers to help combat high blood pressure.
The project, run by London South...
When the pandemic lockdown first hit last year, Ali Irfan Ali, franchisee of the Paramount Fine Foods restaurant in Milton, saw his...
A lot of the changes that need to be made are systemic and depend on major players in the travel industry. But as consumers, we also have...
Bees are such an organized species and amazing to watch and learn from. Over the last years bee populations around the world are...
La France compte aujourd’hui le plus grand nombre de sites inscrits sur la Liste verte avec 22 sites sur 59 dans le monde. Les aires...
[Sentinel 1a e b] riescono a guardare attraverso nuvole, soprattutto per monitorare le aree verdi, in particolar modo le zone tropicali,...…
La pandemia ci ha aperto gli occhi sul rapporto uomo-Natura e l'importanza di salvaguardare la biodiversità. La decarbonizzazione è...…
En cette journée de la Terre, je trouvais intéressant de mettre en avant cette pratique sportive d'origine suédoise et qui permet...
The city government of Manila on Tuesday said it has begun building a field hospital for COVID-19 patients in Luneta to decongest medical...
La reprise du réseau actuel a été réalisée "sans discontinuité de service" jeudi dernier et le basculement "sera progressivement suivi...
A faux fur alternative is created. It differs from synthetic fur. It is plant-based and biodegradable.
The whole world is protesting against animal fur and then started protesting against synthetic fur, which is made of chemical and...…
Today, Education International, representing 32 million educators, will lead the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit” at 7 AM...
A third of all the globe’s man-made greenhouse gas emissions are linked to food, and industrial livestock agriculture – the raising of...
Nos llegan noticias que nos animan a ser optimistas. En los últimos meses se han puesto en marcha diferentes proyectos destinados a...
El informe está basado en 58 empresas líderes del sector sobre sus estrategias en los tres ejes de la sostenibilidad: medioambiental,...
Don't forget to take care of your pets during the pandemic.
Animal shelters have seen an increase in pet adoptions throughout the pandemic. Our furry friends may be getting nervous as things start...…
It brings out climate education is important for working in the world of climate change.“It is inevitably becoming mainstream, no matter...
These are 7 little things that can make a big difference!
When it comes to lessening your impact on the environment, starting simple is the way to go. You don't need to be a fully-fledged...…
It's always heartwarming to read stories about how our customers are making the world Ever Better. VF Corp, one of Intertek Softlines'...
L'énergie éolienne, solaire et l’hydroélectricité prennent de plus en plus d'importance et ont connu une forte expansion l'année...
"In wine, sustainability is often mentioned alongside terms like organic and biodynamic. But sustainability is its own entity. It doesn’t...
The $13.6 billion market is expected to more than double to $35 billion by 2027.
At Kearney predicts that by 2040, 60% of meat will either...
Millions of children across England are being asked to contribute to a survey about their hopes for the future.
Quite right, as they...
If you are like me, this year has certainly challenged our mental well-being with memory being one area that deserves some attention. I...
Just 15 minutes of movement is all it takes.
A “brief bout of moderate intensity exercise can improve the efficiency of certain cognitive processes through increases in feelings of...…
Lowland areas in Bangladesh go underwater during annual monsoon rainfalls. Rural area of Pirojpur district is one of the affected areas...
"Apple has announced a $200 million investment fund designed to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere and support sustainable...
Like in most parts of the world, plastics in Hong Kong are becoming the stuff of environmental nightmares. Since the world began...
A recent study conducted by University of Southern Denmark reveals that we use an astounding 129 billion face masks globally every...
Williamsburg Township will be home to a Purina pet food factory in 2023, and the company is committed to using natural resources...
Brands including Paul Smith, River Island and Victoria Beckham have joined an initiative together to put those deadstock or unwanted...
Johnnie Walker – is today launching The Next Steps initiative, its most ambitious sustainability drive to date, putting the focus firmly...
By producing high-quality food with low environmental impact, organic farming will play an essential role in developing a sustainable...
Fast fashion companies are increasingly addressing rising consumer concerns by launching sustainable sub-brands or special eco-campaigns....
Ryan Hickman, un jeune américain passionné par le tri sélectif dès l'âge de 3 ans et demi, s’est donné pour mission de protéger...
Starbucks has pledged to reduce its carbon footprint by 30% and eliminate all single-use cups by 2025 in its South Korea operations, as...
If red postboxes didn't already look lovely enough on the streets of London, they certainly do now thanks to one mystery artist.
Michiel, CEO of Netherlands-based CocoPallet International B.V. has developed 100% bio-based, durable transportation pallets out of...
Many world’s leading fashion brands have committed to accelerate the transition to a circular fashion economy. Nike has committed for a...
Victoria Educational Organisation held the opening ceremony of the “We Think, We Feel, We Care” Little Makers STEAM Education Festival -...
Ikea is known for its flat-pack, inexpensive furniture and home accessories, and now they are upping their sustainability game. They now...
The Pandemic has questioned our health and wellbeing. We now realise that a healthy diet and getting the right vitamins and minerals will...
Research data shows that strong ESG propositions can safeguard company's long-term success and correlates with reductions in downside...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash
In recent years, many people have become conscious of their carbon footprint on the planet and are moving towards a sustainable...
Each year, the world consumes about four million tonnes of cocoa, most of it grown by small farmers in West Africa. The beans then pass...…
On 14 April 2021 The Guardian reported that Great Britain's electricity system recorded its greenest ever day over the Easter bank...
Article intéressant à lire sur le projet de loi climat
À quelques semaines de l’arrivée au Sénat du projet de loi climat, la chambre haute a adopté mardi 13 avril 2021 en première lecture une...…
Descubre algunos de los productos más originales hechos con materiales reciclados
Cada vez es más fácil encontrar productos que tienen su origen en los contenedores de reciclaje, y la creatividad no tiene límites en...…
She believed she could, so she DID.
Las observaciones por satélite indican que la extensión de hielo marino en septiembre (cuando se alcanza el mínimo anual) ha decrecido...…
Hoy en día, la energía y el mercado energético en general, continúan sin resultar atractivos al consumidor final. ¿Por qué ocurre esto?
What an awesome story coming from the White House about how National Garden Day came about.
"Over our eight years, the food we grew...
It is critical, we continue to teach our children the importance of reusable & recyclable materials. It is their planet in the end...
Running out of things to do? This article might encourage some new ideas, or bring some ideas back to that you have forgotten about...
Dasia Taylor, a 17-year-old student from Iowa City, has found a way to detect an infected surgical wound.
Dasia found a suture...
Partnering with dog shelter’s across Hong Kong, Buddy Bites has admirably been able to cover the costs of all dog food at...
It's time to revisit our food production and consumption habits. Agroecology might be one of the answers for those who are not clear yet...