Voluntary Carbon Credits Market Can Be Worth $1 Trillion in 2037
The total value of carbon credits traded in the market to help entities achieve their net zero goals can be worth $1 trillion as early as...
The total value of carbon credits traded in the market to help entities achieve their net zero goals can be worth $1 trillion as early as...
It's an amazing sight to see the stars above us, especially in a dark location where they shine like jewels in the night with the Milky...
With a backdrop of unprecedented societal challenges including the pandemic, mass shootings, racial injustices, the war in Ukraine
Estée Lauder have launched a new App in the UK that helps visually impaired users apply makeup. Applying makeup is challenging for people...
The sweeping bone-chilling cold wave continued affecting normal life in the northern region of Bangladesh. Many organizations and...
The idea is good, at least on paper. The more than 900 miles of tracks for the Tren Maya (or Maya Train) are going to carry both electric...
It's not breaking news to say that your digital devices are listening to you. Most of us have experienced at some point having a...
Chrüzboden es el nombre de una pradera alpina situada sobre la línea de árboles en el pico Haldenstein del macizo de Calanda, a unos...…
Around the world, forestry teams are hard at work restoring species-rich ecosystems that sequester carbon and benefit us all. Supporting...
From my perspective as a scientist who’s been working on climate change and environmental resilience since before the crisis made...
I think we have all been taught in science classes that trees and plants store carbon. But what was never explained is that when those...
Predicting industry trends ahead of a new year can be a fool’s errand; but business behavior — just like human behavior — is easier to...
India assumes the Presidency of the G20 at a crucial time. Over the past month, heads of state and government and business leaders have,...
Until we have Star Trek type teleportation devices that can beam us around long distances, it looks like planes will be flying for quite...
When it comes to ESG initiatives and their relationship to consumer behavior, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach; but leveraging...…
Last January 17, 2023, at Davos, Publicis CEO, Arthur Sadoun has asked to major companies to "break the taboo of cancer in the...
Having just returned from a skiing trip myself, will resorts be able to adapt to a warming world..?
Climate change is turning skiing into an endangered pastime
This will mark the 10th edition of the Causeartist – Social Entrepreneurs to Watch for list! If you would like to check out the previous...
Many of us are working to find ways to extend the life cycle of almost every product — from food and fashion to electronics
In 2020, Amazon launched Climate Pledge Friendly (CPF) as a program not only to streamline access to the myriad items with...
Many people look to diet trends or new exercise regimens – often with questionable benefit – to get a healthier start on the new year....
"The interest in converting an existing diesel engine into a clean-burning hydrogen engine is extremely high," Prof Kook tells the BBC at...…
Today preventing food waste is no less of a challenge, though the stakes have changed somewhat. The world's greenhouse gas emissions from...…
Prolonged sitting could be affecting your health and what you can do about it.
it makes sense to increase the amount of time you are active, whatever you’re doing. Even a short walk every hour is helpful.
The new H&M Loooptopia Experience on Roblox allows users to experiment with their digital identity and learn about fashion and...…
Whether the priority is to reduce the plastic in packaging, increase the recycled content or just figure out where to start, it all...…
Sure, you’ve heard the dangers of sitting all day, but with most jobs there isn’t much you can do about it, right?
Not according to a new...
This week, Protein Evolution, Inc. (PEI) — a biological recycling startup with the mission to build a world without plastic waste —...
I really enjoyed reading this article, I hope you will enjoy it too: 6 tips to help you be a better human now | (ted.com)
If we really want to improve the world and tackle the big, important issues, meekly following the rules is not going to cut it.
La diversité fait notre richesse !
Récemment, une mini-série a été lancée en France racontant la vie d'un lycée accueillant des...
For centuries, inhabitants of the picturesque coastal town of Mutriku have drawn from the ocean's riches. Now they're harnessing its...
THis post was generated by ChatGPT based on the Gardian Article - Enjoy!
n November 2021, OpenAI, a research laboratory in California,...
We’ve identified around 1,000 data points companies will need to report,” Patrick de Cambourg, chair of the EFRAG Sustainability...
As demand for electric vehicles soars, scientists are searching for materials to make sustainable batteries. Lignin, the stuff that makes...…
Polonio, astato, radio, renio, francio y un isotopo del proactinio. Conoce a las mujeres protagonistas de su descubrimiento
It applies for both face-to-face conversations as well as emails. A simple 10-second pause can clear your mind and help keep the...
The days of haggling with a sleazy car dealer in a poor-fitting, second-hand sports coat, wandering the lot hoping to stumble on the...
HENDERSONVILLE, Ten. (WKRC/WTVF/CBS Newspath) - After a month of hard work, a team of high school engineering students in Tennessee built...
It's January and performance reviews season is in full swing, for many this is a stressful time of year.
If you are a manager, read this...
“Deep work,” is a term that means “a state of peak concentration that lets you learn hard things and create quality work quickly.” You...
A little throwback to our WE CARE CSR initiative Deepavali Edition😉
A new study examines the waste challenges companies are facing due to the global supply chain crisis and how they are being tackled, and...…
Offsetting initiatives are becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to be seen as leaders in sustainability. However —...…
Se llaman magnetofósiles y son nanopartículas capaces de alinearse con el campo magnético de nuestro planeta. Su estudio permite conocer...…
If you are still looking for a new year resolution that can help you both physically and mentally, yoga may be the anwser for you. Have a...
Germany's economy minister Robert Habeck threw his weight behind a Norwegian project to capture carbon emissions and re-use them being...
Innovation is at the heart of the world's most successful businesses. COVID proved the need for agility and rapid response to develop...
"When food is wasted, so are the natural and human resources that go into producing, processing, transporting, preparing and storing it....
Great Britain produced a record amount of wind-powered electricity in 2022, according to the National Grid. More electricity came from...…
Since early 2020 travel plans have been put on hold by a lot of us due to the pandemic. Now that things are settling down a bit, a lot of...
Today is Blue Monday - a date often associated with feeling dispirited. However, feeling lonely is something that all of us can...
Study shows human induced climate change made the UK’s record-breaking annual temperature around 160 times more likely.
It is now possible...
"A canny use of data and genetics could help create a new generation of green cows."
"Less feed, less methane, more milk. - Ehsani believes it will be possible to use wide-ranging data - and genetics - to breed cattle that...…
A circular economy for plastics is achievable in our lifetime, though it will require consumers and manufacturers to work together....…
"Today's architecture can no longer be satisfied with creating buildings that place the smallest possible burden on the environment....…
Just when you thought it was safe to come out from the "Here Comes 5G" media storm, don't look now but here comes 6G in an R&D studio...
Fair carbon-reduction targets and the assessment of a company’s performance relative to targets are an incredibly powerful way to assess...…
Estados Unidos acaba de aprobar una vacuna para prevenir la loque americana (AFB), una enfermedad contagiosa causada por una bacteria...…
Last week-end, I went to see the show LIGHT: Bach dances by the internationally-renowned Israeli choreographer Hofesh Shechter in...
Start the year right with podcasts that will make you feel less alone in your mental health journey.
If you’re dealing with a mental health challenge—from OCD, to addiction, to grief—there are no easy fixes. One of the best ways to help...…
CLAYTON, Mo. (KMOV) - A St. Louis County couple’s mission to feed the hungry has taken over their home.
“Anybody that needs food. We give...
El conservacionista nepalí Rinzin Phunjok Lama camina por las remotas tierras de su Humla natal, con las cimas del Annapurna I y II como...…
No matter how great your product or service, you will ultimately be judged by how well you do when things go wrong
Secondo un rapporto dell'Onu la perdita dello strato di ozono, che ha rischiato di esporre le persone ai dannosi raggi ultravioletti del...
The Montreal Protocol has already benefitted efforts to mitigate climate change, helping avoid global warming by an estimated 0.5°C. The...
It is exciting to see people caring about the whole life cycle of renewable energy sources and diverting waste away from landfills and...
Download the world's only news app designed to spread joy and happiness. It's real, verified news that makes you calmer and healthier....
The act of shopping for clothes can be that of joy for some or dread for others, that is up for debate but not the topic of why I am...
Investment in the right direction for the planet; thank you.
The development of clean energy capacity, such as green hydrogen, forms a major part of India’s strategy to meet its climate commitments,...…
Microplastics have infiltrated every part of the planet. They have been found buried in Antarctic sea ice, within the guts of marine...…
The ZDHC Foundation, which works towards the zero discharge of hazardous chemicals, has announced the release of its updated...
L’Oréal has unveiled a handheld computerized makeup applicator at CES which is intended to help people with limited hand and arm mobility...
At CES, Sony announced the launch of their accessible game controller. The controller has been designed to allow flexibility in the form...
Toujours bien de se rappeler ces bonnes pratiques !
Se remettre au sport, arrêter de fumer, perdre du poids… Ce sont les bonnes résolutions, à portée individuelle, que prennent beaucoup de...…
Des recettes moins émettrices en carbone : Cookbook in Support of the United Nations : For People and Planet – version en anglais)....
"In some villages, you can't find one tree. They cut them but they don't think about planting again," he told the BBC.
The Viking woman who sailed to America and walked to Rome
Gudrid the Far-Traveled, a name few of us recognise yet she could arguably be...
Hopes of a new weapon against diseases that routinely ravage colonies that are relied upon for food pollination.
“Our vaccine is a breakthrough in protecting honeybees,” said Annette Kleiser, chief executive of Dalan Animal Health. “We are ready to...…
El reciclaje es uno de esos pequeños pasos para el hombre, pero gran paso para la humanidad, del que depende la sostenibilidad del...…
Rising air pollution levels are forcing the world to look at more sustainable alternatives for transportation. Rail travel vs air...
The Intertek Automotive Research team in San Antonio "raced" into the holiday spirit and came out at the "Finish Line" as winners. Every...
Among the study’s key findings, “94% [of executives] regard digital innovation as an opportunity rather than a threat,” “89% believe...…
“I think of mindfulness as the ability not to be yanked around by your own emotions,” says Dan Harris, the author of “10 Percent...…
A little goes a long way!
With so much going on in the world, taking tiny steps each day can make a huge, positive impact on the people in our lives, and being...…
Suele ser una imagen típica de los viajes por carretera: la luna del coche se llena de pequeñas manchas que disminuyen la visión y nos...…
Los cambios en las condiciones meteorológicas harán que las áreas que hoy son óptimas para el cultivo de la vid, dejen de serlo en el...…
Depuis le 1er janvier 2023, la restauration rapide doit recourir à de la vaisselle réutilisable - gobelets, couvercles, assiettes,...
One of the greatest benefits of living in Europe is their rail system. Having options for travel is a luxury and even better when the...
2022 what a year! It was certainly a year of growth. Not every day was good not every day was bad but every day there was a lot of truth,...
Cuando un animal percibe una amenaza suele generar una reacción, la respuesta de estrés agudo, descrita por primera vez por el fisiólogo...…
How to well start the New Year with some positive message! 2022 has again brought a lot of new challenges and uncertainty across the...
In 2008 Finland began to change how it approaches homelessness. The approach is called Housing First. Every homeless person is offered...
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