2022 what a year! It was certainly a year of growth. Not every day was good not every day was bad but every day there was a lot of truth, self realization, prioritizing, and admission. It needed to be bumpy to get to where I am today. Of course, I wish it could have been done with a bit more grace but life is not meant to be perfectly planned, placed and sanitized…I am learning.

We woke up to 2022 in another country. Experienced things many never get the chance in a lifetime and for that I am grateful. Made new friends, grew apart from others. Lost loved ones and welcomed a few new. 

Felt completely alone in the worlds busiest city and came home to an oddly similar feeling in the heart of the most magical place on earth. This had to happen. It was all part of the journey to remind me that it is not where we live, the job we have, the backdrops for pictures we post on social media or the postcards we send. It’s our own personal choice on how we react to situations or the environment we are in that determine our happiness or lack there of. 

Life is a learning experience. Just because it’s a new year does not mean that the lesson for 2022 is done or this year will be better…thinking like that will only lead to disappointment. It is simply the calendar turning, providing us with another day, week, month, year to try again. And that is exactly what I will do. Not necessarily try to be the best version of myself in every situation but rather react in a way that my heart goes to bed light, there are more smiles than tears and be proud of myself more often than not. 

Wishing everyone a happy turning of the calendar! Be gentle with yourself, we are simply flipping a page.