Build back ever better Build Back Ever Better

Inspiring the world to build back ever better



4 Tips to Increase Productivity

I am always looking for ways to increase productivity, especially as my productivity is impacted by my sight loss. These 4 tips from HBR...

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Some "refreshing" news from Coca-Cola

New partnership with Bill Nye ("the Science Guy") to help educate people on plastic recycling and combating climate change. 

Spring and Water Day at ICBMX

Each one of us has to take action in the face of environmental problems since they affect us. Therefore, it is essential today more than...

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El 20 de diciembre de 2013, la Asamblea General de la ONU decidió proclamar el 3 de marzo como el Día Mundial de la Vida Silvestre...…

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Спасителният център за диви животни на Зелени Балкани отбеляза деня на птиците, 1ви април, с освобождаване на щъркели

Събитието бе посетено от десетки деца, техните родители и студенти по ветеринарна медицина от Тракийския университет, които се включиха...

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Reinforcing Teamwork

Caleb Brett Mexico took the initiative to motivate and reinforce teamwork with the support of the local HR team.

Our team is full of 10x...

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