Each one of us has to take action in the face of environmental problems since they affect us. Therefore, it is essential today more than ever to promote strategies to try to minimize the ecological crisis that puts our quality of life at risk. In this sense, trees are a solution to combat some of the environmental problems and to be able to achieve an ecological balance since they are considered the lungs of the planet, absorbing greenhouse gases, regulating the temperature around them, among other functions of natural balance, and fulfilling an essential function for life: the generation of oxygen, so planting trees is planting oxygen.

For this reason, in response to the climate change crisis that we are facing, at Intertek Caleb Brett Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, we have decided to take action in many ways, and promote spaces for environmental awareness and connection with nature, fighting against climate change "sowing oxygen", for which we carried out our planting campaign of different species of plants around our building, in commemoration of the beginning of spring and the day of water, remembering the importance of this essential liquid. This project aimed to raise awareness about climate change and the water crisis. Additionally, as a small step, we encouraged the Intertek Caleb Brett Coatzacoalcos team to reduce the use of single-use plastic by providing them with a reusable water container to take with them and avoid buying bottled water, which generates a large amount of garbage.

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