The act of shopping for clothes can be that of joy for some or dread for others, that is up for debate but not the topic of why I am posting this article. 

Have you ever stopped to think, "where do my clothes come from?" The fabric, the materials. the manufacturing, the sewing, etc. - who made what you are wearing and what did their surroundings look like? What was the air quality like, the chair they were sitting in - was it ergonomic? Were they paid a fair wage to make you with that shirt? 

Just like the food we consume which is at the forefront of everyone's minds, apparel should also be something you think about as heavily. From the human rights side of the fashion industry to the impact production has on the environment - we must ask these questions and ask them loud and often so that the fashion brands hear us and take action to ensure their supply chain from start to finish is creating more good than harm.