I'm sharing in english this post from team for the planet as I found it interesting:

We're all familiar with the carbon footprint, but have you ever heard of the concept of climate shade?

No, it's not a parasol during the heatwave. The climate shadow allows us to look beyond our carbon footprint and measure the impact of all our actions on the climate crisis.

An example: you decide to eat less meat. After a while, a few people around you get inspired and decide to do the same. You've reduced your personal carbon footprint, but above all you've helped to achieve a lot more thanks to your "climate shadow". Or maybe you do something that has a positive impact on the planet. This won't show up on your carbon footprint, but it will improve your climate shadow. 

If you feel like you're making a huge effort on your personal footprint and you're feeling stuck, don't forget your climate shadow! Everyone can have a much greater impact by going beyond purely individual actions.

Team for the Planet exists to enable all citizens to extend their range of action and participate in something bigger than individuals, by using the collective.

We know it's going to get hotter, so cast your shadow
