As the world's largest online retailer, Amazon goes through a lot of packing and shipping materials. 

In fact, in 2021 Amazon shipped an estimated 7.7 billion packages around the world. If each of these packages were a 1-foot square box and they were stacked on top of one another, the pile would be six times higher than the distance from the Earth to the Moon. (insert "holy smokes" emoji, if that's such a thing)

Anyway, in 2022, Amazon reported that it used a total of 85,916 metric tons (189 million pounds) of single-use plastic to ship its packages in 2022, down from 97,222 metric tons (214 million pounds) of single-use plastic packaging in 2021. This includes items such as mailers, Bubble Wrap, inflatable pillows, film, and other types of protective packaging.

They now even use machine-learning software to identify the best packaging to protect products with as little material as possible. Impressive. 

Still a ways to go to help protect the oceans and the landfills, but if Amazon wants to be a market leader in online retail sales, they should also be a leader in responsible packaging and shipping.