Upon first hearing that The Ocean Cleanup organization pulled 25,000 pounds of trash from the ocean, you might be horrified. But this is a real problem that has been developing for years, and the fact that they extracted this from "the Great Pacific Garbage Patch" is a Herculean effort and a significant accomplishment. 

If you're not familiar with the Garbage Patch, check out this intro video. The size of the pollution pit in the Pacific is estimated to be 3X the size of France, just floating in the water and growing like a cancer. It's actually been growing for more than 50 years and contains single-use plastics and other debris that continue to kill marine life and damage the environment. 

This accomplishment by The Ocean Cleanup is one giant leap toward eradicating the mess. Their goal is to complete the job by 2040. 

Making a change often just takes one person making one decision and taking one action. Then build from there. 

What decision and what resulting action are you going to make/take today?