We all know the sound of leaf blowers. That annoying whirring seems to always come when you are trying to sleep in, get on a conference call, or just trying to relax for a moment. Their distinctive, whining drone is nearly impossible to escape!

Across the United States, some 11 million leaf blowers roar into action every year, obliterating delicate debris with 200-mile-per-hour winds. But restrictions on leaf blowers have been spreading across the country, permitting some lucky locales to experience the season as nature intended, at a humane decibel level.

Outright bans on the gas-powered machines have recently taken effect in Washington, D.C.; Miami Beach, Florida; and Evanston, Illinois. California will end the sale of gas-powered blowers next summer. Their hum will also be silenced in Portland and Seattle in the coming years. Barring a sudden acceptance of lawns scattered with leaves, rakes and battery-powered devices will slowly replace them.

But concerns are not just over the noise. They also pose health risks and emit significant emissions. However, relief may be coming.

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