When a Los Angeles-area mom created a sensory gym for her autistic son, she kicked off a revolution. Seriously, moms do rock. 

We Rock the Spectrum” gyms are safe spaces for neurodivergent children to be themselves – without having to apologize. Imagine having to say you're sorry to other parents or children every time your son or daughter has a meltdown on the playground. Most parents have been there once or twice and it's not a fun situation. Now imagine having that happen every time you go to the playground or indoor gym. It would be fair to say that it's enough to make you not want to bring your child back there. 

The slogan for this growing franchise of sensory gyms is "Finally, a place where you never have to say ‘I’m sorry.’”

For moms, dads, and caregivers of autistic children who know that feeling all too well, it's a place to be free.