There's a lot that goes on at airports that we take for granted, and even more interesting things happen behind the scenes. This is an interesting story about some of those things, such as:

  • Loose coins left behind by harried travelers at the bottom of TSA security bins is deposited into a fund and reinvested into aviation security programs. In 2019, a whopping $926,030 was collected, with New York (JFK) passengers alone contributing almost $100,000.
  • Airport designers use a concept called wayfinding to help guide passengers around unfamiliar places. Wayfinding utilizes a highly specific series of visual cues to orient passengers, ranging from preferred color palettes to lighting, signage design, and typography. For example, one terminal might have signs with straight edges while another has signs with curved edges.
  • Airport shop layouts often have walkways that curve from right to left, with more items displayed on the right-hand side. The reason behind this? Much of the world’s population is right-handed and drives on the right side of the road, and therefore is inclined to look to the right more often than to the left. 

Read the full story for several more interesting airport facts!