The United Nations agrees to create a 'historic' global treaty on plastic pollution in a landmark agreement that is legally binding and could go beyond cleaning up plastic waste and its future production.

Dubbed as the most important environmental accord since the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change, in which nations agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions, this new agreement is essential to getting the world to recognize its use and reliance on plastics globally and where it's estimated that only 9 percent of plastics has ever been recycled. 

175 nations agreed to start the clean-up, erupting in cheers as the treaty was passed after week-long talks in Kenya. 

Read more about this historic event:

United Nations agrees to create 'historic' global treaty on plastic pollution in landmark agreement  

UN agrees to create world's first-ever plastics pollution treaty in a blow to big oil

'Biggest green deal since Paris': UN agrees plastic treaty roadmap