L’Oréal Hong Kong partnered with Watsons and V Cycle, a social recycling enterprise, to launch a local recycling program, the "Beauty for the Future". The campaign was created to allow local beauty consumers to recycle their cleaned cosmetics and skincare containers of any beauty brand,  including foundation bottles, mascara wands, skincare tubs, and lipstick tubes at around 170 Watsons stores across the city in exchange for rewards in the city’s largest loyalty platform MoneyBack. All packages collected through the campaign will be sent to V Cycle to undergo sorting, processing, and eventually restructuring for use as raw materials in the building industry to promote sustainability of resources. 

L’Oréal Hong Kong saved a total of 2,815 kilograms in waste, which is equivalent to 65,148 units of empty beauty containers from ending up in landfills with a promising 86.5% recycling rate. Of the collected plastic and glass materials, close to 75% have gone on to be made into EcoBricks and have already been paved at some commercial locations in Hong Kong. The campaign goal is to collect 250,000 containers in the 12 months following its official launch in July this year, which is equivalent to the height of two Mount Everests when stacked up.