Corporations embracing Pride are facing a backlash, causing some to call it the end of Corporate Pride. I wanted to understand more about Pride and the recent backlash in the corporate world.

I will admit that I didn't really know much about Pride or how to support my LGBTQ+ colleagues at the beginning of June. Let's be honest, I still don't, but I wanted to share what I have found out in the hope it inspires you to learn more.

I started by researching the origins of Pride, The Stonewall Forever Documentary provides insight into the events leading up to the StoneWall rebellion riots of 1969 and how Pride started on its anniversary to continue to campaign for LGBTQ+ rights. It is very disturbing to see that in 1969 police in New York city actively persued, arrested and terrorised people for being themselves.

Pride month is about acceptance, equality, education, awareness, and solidarity among people of different sexual orientations and gender identities. Pride is expressed through colourful parades, concerts, marches, and flags, which symbolise the diversity and unity of the LGBTQ+ community. The Pride movement is all about being proud of who you are no matter who you love.

Over the years Pride has helped to raise awareness and reduce oppression, but it is still needed. The latest backlash on brands supporting Pride underscores the need for Pride. The backlash is an indicator that there is still a desire to oppress the LGBTQ+ community and exclude them from society. It is now more important than ever for the corporations supporting Pride to continue doing so and show that their support was genuine and not just a technique to increase sales.

Every human has the same right to feel safe, be themselves, love and be loved without persecution. Until this is the case, Pride is most definitely needed.