I'm just back from my annual leave and I did have decided to expirement to disconnect from my devices without feeling guilty! First, because I really needed it after few intensive months with no disruption but also because I do think it brings some many benfits

Fisrt reason, stop having your eyes glued to your screens and your mind disturbed by notifications, you'll be more in touch with others, you'll get a better view of the countryside and, above all, you'll be doing your health a world of good because you'll better sleep, find that time flies by more slowly and you feel less physical pain as being on a screen all the time means you have to tilt your head!

Read the article in English here: https://www.ledauphine.com/magazine-sante/2022/07/09/vacances-connaissez-vous-les-bienfaits-de-la-deconnection