For the past few months, pedestrians walking past Lee Tung Avenue, the largest outdoor pedestrian street in Hong Kong must have noticed the art installation “Butterflies of Hope.Blessing Lanterns”, which was created by Victor Wong, a local visual effects director and 2019 MARTELL Artist of the Year. It was modified from its first debut last Christmas as the world's first AI butterfly light and shadow art installation. 

Two powerful photos popped up at my LinkedIn newsfeed today as a business contact posted, "I can't say I'm surprised, but was saddened to discover that Lee Tung Avenue's "Butterflies of Hope" have been reduced to "Detritus of Commercialism" as I passed by this morning."

Sadly, these 350+ butterflies of hope, symbolizing beauty, love, hope, positivity, happiness, and revival according to the organizer, have ended up in a dumpster - turning into despair when plastics could take as long as 1,000 years to fully decompose and electronic waste could leach toxic chemicals like lead, mercury, and cadmium into the soil and water. 

We all love beautiful things. But when you are fully aware of the dark side and costs of artificial creations - to be paid by the generations to come, would you still enjoy it as much? 

It's time to rethink and reconsider the lifestyle we want to lead. 

Thanks @Jonathan Magee for the inspiration 
First image credit: Dim Sum Daily
Second image credit: Me climbing a dumpster