This is a great write-up, from Microsoft, on the proposed EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework. This EU framework sets the stage for a trusted carbon capture and trading future whereby the quality of the carbon captured is certified by an external 3rd party against the QU.A.L.ITY standard:
- The carbon removal activity must be quantifiable and provide a net carbon removal benefit.
- It must go beyond statutory requirements, i.e. be additional.
- The activity must ensure the long-term storage of carbon.
- The activity must be fully sustainable, i.e. it must also take into account further environmental objectives such as biodiversity, adaptation to climate change, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, water quality, and the circular economy, or have a positive side effect in relation to these sustainability objectives (sustainability).
Surely a brighter and more trusted sustainability model for the future.
The full proposed framework can be found here:
There is growing international recognition that meeting net zero by 2050 will first and foremost require dramatic changes to cut emissions, but also a significant amount of carbon removal