The Rights on Flights Campaign started in January 2023 after Sophie Morgan landed at Heathrow to find her wheelshare and battery powered attachement broken.  Sophie explains what the Rights on Flights Campaign is:

"In the short term, Rights on Flights aims to build confidence in the disabled community. After all, air travel transcends mere convenience; it is a fundamental human right. Around the world, change is happening – we just need it to happen faster because everyday more and more disabled people are reported to be too frightened to fly.

The long-term goal is to ensure greater alignment of international regulations, training, infrastructure (of airports and aircraft), technology and equipment that is reflective of what society expects. We want to ensure that the freedom of movement and consistency of assistance provided by airlines and airports is the same all around the world."

While there are improvements coming (see Delta joins the push to improve air travel for wheelchair users), but there is a long way to go. 

Read the full article.