Our culture has become custom to fast fashion, disposal products that don't withstand the long haul, and one-time use products. That is a huge waste. We need to return to the mentality that if something is broken, fix it or recycle it, much like our hardworking forefathers who had to stretch limited resources as far as possible. Our resources are scarce, and we need to protect them and encourage sustainability. We need more people like Sophie Unwin, a United Kingdom environmentalist, who aims to alter our thinking. Sophie has an operation called "Remade" which operates out of three locations. She has handy technicians on hand to repair, fix and mend almost anything broken, from laptops, lamps, extension cords, to clothes. She charges a modest fee for the fix, e.g., $10 CAD, which is very affordable. And who wouldn't consider this option when something is broken? Not only is it recycling, it financially makes sense.