According to Smart Insights, "58.4% of the world's population uses social media. The average daily usage is 2 hours and 27 minutes (January 2022)". 

As a Marketer, this is where I spend a great deal of my time communicating to and with the world however as an everyday woman, mother, wife, daughter, friend this is also where I stay in touch with loved ones, research every sniffle and cough that my child has contracted, the place where I see the headlines for the world around me as well as where I go to just mindlessly have some "me" time when I get a few moments to myself but in reality the information overload and the constant connection is exhausting! 

A few months back I began exploring ways to improve my memory, be more mindful and present, and truthfully looking for a way to simply be content with the world and (by using social media) I found that I had to get off of social media.... now I have not gone cold turkey so to speak but I have stopped looking at it as much as I was and I must say there is now more time for reading,  building Lego sets with my son, and breathing. 

Without the constant noise of every single person's opinion on a topic, I am more free to absorb what matters to me rather than the onslaught of every topic under the sun. 

Have a look at this article, you may find it interesting... and then sign off of Facebook... at least for a little while :) 

Have a great week!