This past weekend was Mother's Day in the USA and for the UK it was back in March. I was fortunate to be able to celebrate it twice this year having relocated for work but the truth is in our house, growing up and still today, we did not need a day to know how lucky were were to have the Mother we have. 

My Mom is a business woman through and through, whether that be in the board room or at a PTA meeting at school, she always made sure her voice was heard. For herself and her family. I grew up thinking this was the norm and naturally myself and my sisters all fell into corporate and professional careers as well as having a family of our own. Never once did I feel like I was missing out by not having my Mom at home because the times we did have together were special. I was always proud of her and I remember vividly boasting on the playground that my Mom got to take the train into the city everyday (back then, this equaled success in my mind).

Fast forward to today, I too get to take a train into work but as I sit there surrounded by other working Moms and Dads, it is not always the glam and glitz I had imagined in my head. Some days my brain is full of guilt because I just left my son crying for me not to leave, other days I can't remember if I put fruit in his lunchbox... and will his teacher notice he had cookies twice this week but no apple in sight? What I am getting at here is as a Mom, whether working or stay-at-home, and also the Dad's... we are all doing the best we can and we will always be harder on ourselves than our children will be on us.

My only wish is that someday when it is my son making his way into work on that glorified train, he thinks of me now and then and realizes it was always for him. 

Hang in there parents, you are doing a great job....and to them you are AMAZING!