Depending on where you live, you may not even think about the challenges and cost of getting medical equipment such as wheelchairs, walkers and beds. In the UK necessary equipment is supplied as part of the National Health Service (NHS). However, in countries with health insurance, like the US it can be a different story.

Many states in the US have schemes setup to loan used equipment and help provide access. A new service is bringing together a website listing each local initiative and the kinds of equipment they have available to loan. 

Medical equipment has a typical usable life of 5 years, but on average is only used for 4 months. Loaning used equipment not only helps individuals financially, but also helps reduce the waste and improve sustainability.

Whether you have a need for medical equipment or have some sat unused in your garage - check out Got DME – Durable Medical Equipment Directory – Find Free Places to Borrow or Donate Durable Medical Equipment across the USA