According to an article posted by The Guardian, ‘regenerative’ farming techniques have seen a significant growth in interest which is good news as it can reduce overall emissions.

Farming and food in the UK, has a large footprint which is about one-fifth of their overall emissions. That figure can increase to about 30% if you factor in the emissions from produce that UK imports.

More than 1,700 organic farmers across the UK are registered to be using regenerative techniques covering approximately half a million hectares of farmland. With fewer pesticides, organic farmers are increasing wildlife, adding more carbon to the soils, and reducing emissions.

Regenerative farming is getting a lot of attention as large corporations such as McDonald's see the benefits of seeking sustainable approaches. The Guardian noted that back in May, regenerative farming got attention as Prince Charles has called for a "rapid transition to regenerative farming." This is all in support of commitments made to reduce the overall agricultural emissions.