Sometimes our memories serve as our best teacher. Self-reflection takes time and practice, but it can be a valuable guide to your next steps in life. How many times have you said or thought "If only I knew then what I know now"? That's your memory helping to drive your future.

This article captures some of the best comments in a Reddit thread where the original poster essentially asked "What's something you learned far too late in life?" What follows are some of the author's favorite answers, including:

  • "Time is the only thing we don't get back. Don't waste it. Don't tell yourself, 'later.' All you have is now. Dig in."
  • "You know those embarrassing things you did, cringe, and get depressed over once in a while? Not one other person remembers or thinks about them."
  • "Doing homework and taking school seriously can drastically improve your life as an adult."