For many the recognition of our voice is a nice to have, when Alexa doesn't quite hear us or Siri calls the wrong person, it is an inconvenience. But for some, speech recognition is their only input method and used for controlling and typing on computers and phones. In these situations, the accuracy is vital.

I read this article by Colin Hughes, Colin has been using voice recognition to control his devices for 5 years. Colin has muscular dystrophy and is unable to use a mouse and keyboard. In addition, he must control his breathing, so every correction takes energy and effort that can be spent on other more important tasks.

Colin came across a microphone from Speechware that helped him improve the accuracy of his voice recognition, but it wasn't physically close enough to him, so he reached out to the company. The company took on his feedback and developed an updated version that provided more flexibility in positioning and launched it to the benefit of many more customers. The updated version called KeyboardMike has since had additional updates to launch the KayboardMike Plus. The latest version increases the accuracy of speech recognition and is making Colin and other's lives materially better.

I am always encouraged to hear about companies that listen to their customers and take the feedback on board to make their products better for everyone.