Ketel One have announced that they will be including accessible QR technology on their packaging, making them the first spirit brand to provide accessible packaging. The accessible QR codes are through a partnership with Zappier, a mixed reality company. Zappier have previously worked with RNIB and Unilever to bring accessible QR codes to Persil washing detergent packaging. (See Unilever Persil Adds Accessible QR Codes to Packaging).

Accessible QR codes have additional markings that allow them to be scanned from a further distance than a standard QR code. The accessiblke QR codes need you to use applications that support them. Microsoft's Seeing AI and Be My Eyes, both essential apps for the blind and low vision community support the accessible QR codes.

As part of the blind and low vision community, the more brands that adopt accessible QR or Navilens, the better. It provides agency and independence. See previous articles on brands embracing Navilens Technology, and alternative to Accessible QR codes.

If you want to find out more about the differences between the technology, check out Accessible QR Vs NaviLens.

Next time you are shopping, look out for accessible packaging.